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Thread: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

  1. #1
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Talking HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    Please introduce yourself to everyone with your new name.LOL
    Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some silliness to
    break up the day, here is your dose:

    According to the following excerpt from a children's book, "Captain
    Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants" by Dave Pilkey: The evil
    Professor forces everyone to assume new names. Follow the instructions to find
    your new name.

    Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name:

    a = poopsie
    b = lumpy
    c = buttercup
    d = gidget
    e = crusty
    f = greasy
    g = fluffy
    h = cheeseball
    i = chim-chim
    j = stinky
    k = flunky
    l = boobie
    m = zippy
    n = pinky
    o = goober
    p = doofus
    q = slimy
    r = loopy
    s = snotty
    t = tulefel
    u = dorkey
    v = squeezit
    w = oprah
    x = skipper
    y = dinky
    z = zsa-zsa

    Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your
    new last name:

    a = apple
    b = toilet
    c = giggle
    d = burger
    e = girdle
    f = barf
    g = lizard
    h = waffle
    i = cootie
    j = monkey
    k = potty
    l = liver
    m = banana
    n = rhino
    o = bubble
    p = hamster
    q = toad
    r = gizzard
    s = pizza
    t = gerbil
    u = chicken
    v = pickle
    w = chuckle
    x = tofu
    y = gorilla
    z = stinker

    Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second half of
    your new last name:

    a = head
    b = mouth
    c = face
    d = nose
    e = tush
    f = breath
    g = pants
    h = shorts
    i = lips
    j = honker
    k = butt
    l = brain
    m = tushie
    n = chunks
    o = hiney
    p = biscuits
    q = toes
    r = buns
    s = fanny
    t = sniffer
    u = sprinkles
    v = kisser
    w = squirt
    x = humperdinck
    y = brains
    z = juice

    Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is Goober Chickenshorts. Now
    SEND THIS ON ... use your new name as the subject. And remember that children
    laugh an average of 146 times a day, adults laugh an average of 4 times a day.
    Put more laughter in your life!!


  2. Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    OK. Here it goes...

    Lumpy Rhinotush.

  3. Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    Well...... not sure what this means but here goes.... Loopy Girdle Chunks ---------- uh oh, does this mean cellulite??

    Loopy, girdle and chunks in the same sentence equals a drunk overweight chick in a girdle, not sure that's the picture I want to paint!!

    It was fun though!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    Ok. My new name is

    Tulefel Applebuns

  5. Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    Pinky Liversniffer....ewwwww....

  6. #6
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    I am goober bubble fanny.......At least I am not a liversniffer.

  7. Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    Cheeseball Girdlebuns

    Don't think I care for that name...

  8. #8

    Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    Can you say Pinky Gizzardbreath LOL how funny...

    Makes my kids Snotty Gizzardbreath and Tuleful Gizzardbreath thats...

  9. #9
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    Tulefel Bubblechunks

  10. #10

    Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    Squeezit Applebutt

  11. #11
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    Just found this. LOL!

    I'm "Buttercup Gizzardpants". I'll have to inform Mrs. Gizzardpants tonight.

  12. Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    I'm Loopy Applebiscuits.
    My wife is Poopsie Applebiscuits.
    My son is Pinky Applebiscuits.

    Loopy, Poopsie and Little Pinky.....Just your typical American family

  13. Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    This is hilarious - my kids loved this and had to give everyone we know or have ever met, their new names.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. #14

    Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    Flunky Apple Buns

  15. Default Re: HA HA!I am Snotty Apple Buns.Who are you?

    I think workman45 got the best one ......
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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