You obviously lack reading (and apparently video watching) comprehension skills, but I will commend you for parroting my paragraph structure and condecending tone. Bravo.
I was pointing out to S/G the what was said by Reich was ignorant but I would not pin it on Obama like Kerry did.
You're acting like I made some sort of "statement" by my summary of the video. If you want to make me look like some kind of wuss for not answering your inane "questions" go right ahead. As a matter of fact:
Watch the videoHow in the heck are you tying the work availability to how the contractors decide to handle their staffing???
Watch the videoAnd again like soonerguru said, the projects are not federal projects! They are local and state projects and they are only deciding what projects to fund at the fed level! The locals spend and manage the funds.
Yes.Umm, just curious as to if you own a car and if so, have you traveled any of the road repair/refurbish projects around here lately???
Yes.You actually think they are staffing skilled workers now??? Or care about quality for that matter?
So now that I have fulfilled all your dreams, I will no longer keep posting even further off-topic. Feel free to start your victory dance now or post a new thread...whatever floats your boat.
See below. You did make a statement and I have not called you any names or tried to make you look like anything. I just simply asked how you came to that conclusion (and asked if you noticed the existing poor work on the highways) and that is when you flamed back at me.
You wrote the above statement. I asked how you drew that conclusion from the video.
I don't see/hear anything in that video that could have led to your conclusion on encouraging contractors to hire unskilled workers specifically.
Then I don't know what to tell you. Because I see people swerving around trying to find where the lanes are on both sections of that interstate that I mentioned. I have to watch it myself, because the work is very poor. I don't see how you think those projects are done correctly and by competent people. But, as always, you are entitled to your opinion.
This is immature.
Yes he says unskilled. Here is the thing. They are going to write federal formulas into the legislation that specifies the areas the money can be spent. WRWA is not located in a poverty area so they won't get the money.
Alright. I am assuming they will "skill" these workers if it actually happens. I really doubt we'll even be seeing this happen.
Here is the blog entry:
Thursday, January 08, 2009
The Stimulus: How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers
The stimulus plan will create jobs repairing and upgrading the nation's roads, bridges, ports, levees, water and sewage system, public-transit systems, electricity grid, and schools. And it will kick-start alternative, non-fossil based sources of energy (wind, solar, geothermal, and so on); new health-care information systems; and universal broadband Internet access.
It's a two-fer: lots of new jobs, and investments in the nation's future productivity.
But if there aren't enough skilled professionals to do the jobs involving new technologies, the stimulus will just increase the wages of the professionals who already have the right skills rather than generate many new jobs in these fields. And if construction jobs go mainly to white males who already dominate the construction trades, many people who need jobs the most -- women, minorities, and the poor and long-term unemployed -- will be shut out.
What to do? There's no easy solution to either dilemma. But there's no reason to think about "green jobs" as simply high-tech. Many low-income and low-skilled workers -- women as well as men -- could be put directly to work providing homes and businesses with more efficient and renewable heating, lighting, cooling, and refrigeration systems; installing solar panels and efficient photovoltaic systems; rehabilitating and renovating old properties, and improving recycling systems. "Green Jobs Corps" teams could be trained to evaluate and advise homeowners and businesses on these and other means of conserving energy.
People can be trained relatively quickly for these sorts of jobs, as well as many infrastructure j0bs generated by the stimulus -- installing new pipes for water and sewage systems, repairing and upgrading equipment, basic construction -- but contractors have to be nudged both to provide the training and to do the hiring.
I'd suggest that all contracts entered into with stimulus funds require contractors to provide at least 20 percent of jobs to the long-term unemployed and to people withincomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. And at least 2 percent of project funds should be allocated to such training. In addition, advantage should be taken of buildings trades apprenticeships -- wich must be fully available to women and minorities.
Here is part of what was said on the video:
REICH: …”I am concerned, as I’m sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high-skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers…I have nothing against white male construction workers, I’m just saying there are other people who have needs as well...Criteria can be set so that the money does go to others, the long term unemployed minorities, women, people who are not necessarily construction workers or high-skilled professionals.
(Damn - didn't think I'd need the asbestos underwear today!)
Wow, Reich's musings are so not a big deal. Apparently, trying to find meaningful work for the long-term unemployed and minorities is bad? Wow, some of you folks are harsh.
It also doesn't matter a rip what Reich said anyway, as he has nothing to do with it. And Rangel can say what he wants but there's going to be a lot of horsetrading going on and he's not going to get his way.
Thank you for posting the transcript Cautrode. I can see that the former labor secretary was simply thinking on his blog how to get some folks in the workforce that are struggling on the margins. Not a bad thing to think about, but it's not going to be the cornerstone of the stimulus.
I will say this: the Democratic Congress is very much at risk of screwing up this idea, big time. There's really no downside to infrastructure improvement, and if it lifts the economy and puts people to work, all the better. That said, some of what I'm seeing floated from the Congress doesn't put enough in infrastructure, IMO. Almost 40 percent goes to the middle class tax cut.
Question: will the middle class tax cut help the economy? I honestly don't know.
It is an undeniable fact that there are still lots of bigots in our society who hate any sex, race, member of different socio economic groups, and even political party members that are different than themselves. This is exactly why specific language has to be used. The poster proves the point only too well that there are those who are more than willing to see the country suffer than to support someone they are biased against, like Obama. What a pathetic statement.
I agree Rover, Reich and his defenders are racist. Also, I didn't make the connection between Reich and Obama, CSPAN did. It says right next to his name "Obama Economic Advisor". Alas, there is so little infrastructure money in the legislation this whole debate is useless.
Back on topic, the airports receive federal money in the form of AIP programs from the FAA (Aiport Improvement Program).
Generally the local airport kicks in 5% and the FAA matches it with 95%. Many of the airport projects never get funded because the local airports (municipalities) can't cover the 5% part.
The AIP FAA money is typically for the AOA (Airport Operations Area) meaning the airfield, tower, grounds and ramps. Typically security equipment and baggage handling equipment is not included (I could be wrong there tho)
I'm currently tracking the individual projects that comprise the totals on the original post, so if anyone has detailed information on them, I'd be more than happy to know more. My company specializes in Airfield Navigational Aids and Lighting.
Reich is the former Sec'y of Labor under Clinton. He "advised" on the campaign trail, but doesn't hold a cabinet position. By all means continue to blow this out of proportion. Personally, if I were governor, I would be happy to take the half billion in money for roads and bridges and STFU.I agree Rover, Reich and his defenders are racist. Also, I didn't make the connection between Reich and Obama, CSPAN did. It says right next to his name "Obama Economic Advisor". Alas, there is so little infrastructure money in the legislation this whole debate is useless.
From the pilots I talk to during turns, they mostly complain about the lack of properly painted/maintained lines on the ramp, coming in off the taxiways as well as the serious neglect by the city to maintain the lines in the ramp area. I know when I was over at United, we had to re-paint part of the J-lines ourselves because the city would not follow through and the lines were so faded that sometimes we had to look closely. You may be interested to know that mentality carries over to the airport equipment as well--jet bridges, baggage conveyor (automation) equipment, etc. Some equipment in the bag room breaks down because they just simply dont maintain the parts when they're supposed to. I've sat there and watched equipment squeak and grind to a halt! You can report it to them and they don't care until it's broken. You would not believe how many times a day we have to reset circuit breakers in the jet bridges! They are not maintained well at all. If you've ever seen us start to move the things and then have to wait several minutes to get it up to the a/c, that is why. It sucks. Sure, it was all purchased from the cheapest bidder, but come on, would you let your engine run out of oil (and disregard the warning light) and replace the whole engine when it locks up? or just simply top it off and forgo the price of the engine for the low price of the oil.
You say your company specializes in lighting??? YES, That is a HUGE thing we NEED in OKC. The area lighting the city has for the ramp is pathetic! It needs to be the brighter white type and more of it (like other airports have). That general orange crap really strains the eyes when trying to service a/c in the dark at night. Not to mention that at least half of the bulbs are left burnt out at any given time. (it's kinda funny and unrelated, but for the longest time, there has been a light fixture (can) hanging by the flex conduit on the overhang up above gates 4 and 6...saving it for looks I guess)
We really need to address the remote pad space issue as well, because right now we just barely have what we need for normal ops and are not prepared to handle even a small amount of diversion traffic, not to mention space for de-icing. Most of us de-ice at the gate currently, which is fine if everything is perfectly on schedule and you have no other flts to work. And everyone knows that you're already in an irrops situation due to weather if you're de-icing.
Bottom line is a growing airport needs to grow not just in looks or in one area, but altogether. If these things I mention weren't needed, they wouldn't have been conceived/implemented elsewhere to begin with.
Just another perspective from inside the situation.
Also, there is another issue as it relates to the airport AOA. It is unrelated to this thread, so read if you want to:
This really isn't as much a money issue, but our ramp is uncontrolled. That is fine for less flt activity (like we used to have when things were mainline and less frequent), but we have some really close calls clearance-wise on a regular basis now. Not so much when we're moving a/c ourselves, but when pilots are given the okay to taxi as they please, they go around other active a/c in a dangerous way. One day a few months ago, I was pushing back a flt and an American Eagle pilot rounded the corner at the ramp entrance from taxiway Gulf and instead of following the taxiway and either waiting for us to complete pushback, or us stop and let him go by, he cuts across the remote pad and takes a shortcut to gate 4. As a precaution, when I see him darting across so far off the taxi line, I have to halt pushback until I know he is clear of the area. That is an unnessary delay. Obviously when aircraft are taxiing wildly and not along the set paths, this presents safety issues for everyone. Just FYI, I noticed that the a/c's left main gear was only a few feet from going off into the grass when he cut across. That's just unnecessary, you know?
Contributing to this are both the uncontrolled ramp and the poorly maintained markings. A controlled ramp would be safer, but even having the taxi lines and "off-limits" areas marked would alleviate most of the problem.
Sgray: My company has a maintenance contract with the City to maintain many of those lights, and usually install the ramp and t/w and r/w lights. However, we can't just go and do without authorization from the DOA. You might have some luck chatting with the guys in the maintenance department however, or the folks upstairs on the third floor. Wish I could be of more assistance.
Yup, we've been down that road. The third floor...nothing but agents out of the 'matrix' movie. The problem eminates from management and thats how maintenance is allowed to do what they do.
Believe me, I know it is not your company and that you are working within the constraints of the contract.
How can a thread like this get hijacked by the political hipshooters? I read in a couple of older threads that Kerry lives in Jacksonville, Florida. He always says "we" when talking about Oklahoma City. I just find something weird about that. A lot of good threads get hijacked by the same people. Maybe it's a coincidence they all seem to be very conservative angry people.
ANY stimulus money is welcome. Every brick laid is a dollar spent and somebody gets a paycheck.
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