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Thread: OKC needs a Hostel

  1. Default OKC needs a Hostel

    Here's a big city thing we don't ever talk about--hostels.

    We have put a lot of effort into new hotels downtown, but we need a hostel or two for low-budget travelers.

    We may not be a huge draw for long-term hostelers, but being the interstate hub that we are, surely we would be a good location for people on cross-country trips.

    I think Midtown would be perfect for couple hostels.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    I think that we have "hostels" all over okc. They may not use the name "hostel" , but they are there.

    I am saying that in my opinion we have many, many, low budget places for travelers to stay.

  3. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Does the Habana Inn count?

    They could have the sequel to Hostel right there...

  4. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    I searched several hostel sites and googled "oklahoma hostel" and came up with NO HOSTELS in Oklahoma.

    I'm not just talking about cheap motels. Hostels are a completely different thing.

  5. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Hostels? Certainly not on my top 100 things we need in OKC. There are dozens of hotels for $30 and some even have clean sheets. Is a cheap hotel a 'hostel experience?' No. Do I care? No, as it does serve the same purpose though.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    I think it's a great idea.

    Usually, hostels are near the middle of town and attractions and are marketed to young people traveling their way across the country.

    It could help to bring a younger vibe to downtown and also introduce OKC to people that might not otherwise stop there.

    And one of the main features of a hostel is the comaraderie of fellow travelers, with shared spaces, usually a common kitchen and lots of shared information about things to do and see.

    Lots of Europeans rent (or even buy used) cars and drive all over the U.S. in the same way Americans buy a Eurail pass. It would be nice to give them more a reason to spend some time in OKC.

  7. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Hostels? Certainly not on my top 100 things we need in OKC. There are dozens of hotels for $30 and some even have clean sheets. Is a cheap hotel a 'hostel experience?' No. Do I care? No, as it does serve the same purpose though.
    Well some people care. Maybe if you had done any traveling as a college student you would understand the kind of experience you get at a hostel.

    Malibu hit the nail on the head.

  8. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    A hostel would be a nice way to re-orient teens worldwide to Oklahoma City. Having it on the upper floors of one of the Bricktown warehouses would be cool. Before it was torn down, the downtown YMCA would have made a terrific hostel. It even had that International style going for it

    A hostel could provide tours and attraction information for guests and non-guests and bring some youthful energy to whatever neighborhood it's in. But a trolley/bus stop nearby would be critical to making it work.
    Continue the Renaissance

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Even though I didn't start using them until I was in my 30's, I've had some of my best traveling experiences at hostels.

    I back-packed through Europe a couple of different times and would specifically seek out areas with hostels because it was a way to connect with other travelers. Usually, you'd meet a whole group that had just come from the direction you were heading, and you'd exchange stories and recommendations that were invaluable.

    Europeans, Canadians, and Aussies are huge travelers and many stay exclusively at hostels. It would be pretty inexpensive to set one up and promote it. Sounds like another great business opportunity.

  10. #10

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    I saw this on Cnn a few weeks ago.........


    It has nearly 200,000 members worldwide, you can stay anywhere in the world for free.

  11. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Well some people care. Maybe if you had done any traveling as a college student you would understand the kind of experience you get at a hostel.
    Actually I travelled pretty extensively in my youth and still do today.

    My first overseas trip was in high school (Spanish summer field trip).

    I never used hostels though as i was either with a larger group of students or was able to find many rooms for rent overnight in Europe.

  12. #12

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Quote Originally Posted by MalibuSooner View Post
    It could help to bring a younger vibe to downtown and also introduce OKC to people that might not otherwise stop there.

    And one of the main features of a hostel is the comaraderie of fellow travelers, with shared spaces, usually a common kitchen and lots of shared information about things to do and see.
    The ones I visted in Europe usually had a shared bathroom too. The hostel experience is oh so different from collapsing in a cheap motel for a few hours before hitting the road. Downtown, the Paseo District, and the Adventure District (once the commuter train starts operation) could benefit greatly, and the Chamber of Commerce would not have to spend a dime.

  13. #13

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    I have thought about this many times. I think it's a great idea!

  14. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Quote Originally Posted by MalibuSooner View Post
    Even though I didn't start using them until I was in my 30's, I've had some of my best traveling experiences at hostels.

    I back-packed through Europe a couple of different times and would specifically seek out areas with hostels because it was a way to connect with other travelers. Usually, you'd meet a whole group that had just come from the direction you were heading, and you'd exchange stories and recommendations that were invaluable.

    Europeans, Canadians, and Aussies are huge travelers and many stay exclusively at hostels. It would be pretty inexpensive to set one up and promote it. Sounds like another great business opportunity.
    Not too far from where you are, I stayed at hostels in San Diego (Pacific Beach) once upon a time. The Banana Bungalow - quite a place!

    I agree that a well-advertised (on the web) hostel would be pretty successful for cross-country backpackers and others. It's a whole different experience, especially getting to know the people in the common areas.



  15. #15
    JavaDaves Guest

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Personal I think Hotel Marion or some of the other smaller older hotels downtown would make great hostels.

  16. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Quote Originally Posted by JavaDaves View Post
    Personal I think Hotel Marion or some of the other smaller older hotels downtown would make great hostels.
    I agree. They don't have to be large at all.

  17. #17
    JavaDaves Guest

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Of the many I've been to in New York City, it's actually quite the opposite. Most hostels are smaller.

  18. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I agree. They don't have to be large at all.
    That's true. I mentioned Banana Bungalow in San Diego in a post above, but San Diego also has some small hostels as well. San Francisco has tons of them and some are very, very small. In fact, one was once run from the basement area of a hotel, with its own entrance. I don't know if it's still there or not, but there's a bunch of smallish hostels in San Francisco.


  19. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    We stayed in an apartment last month in NYC that was rented by a hostel. The actual hostel, where we checked in, was a little 3 or 4 story brownstone no bigger than one unit of Maywood Park.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    After visiting SoCal last week, both in a 4 star hotel and in a hostel, it reminded me how we need at least one hostel in our city, preferably downtown or MidTown/Uptown. It brings such a diverse international youth culture to the scene you just can't get otherwise. I think OKC can really benefit from opening one and would help on our international exposure scene and help "put us on the map." Heck, the Chamber would be better off spending their money supporting a local hostel than some of the things they do. Any ideas on how we can legitimately get one off the ground?

  21. #21

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    I don't know, I really doubt I could chop up innocent teenagers.

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    The Cline Hotel in Midtown might work as a hostel. It use to have 2 common bathrooms on each floor with a common kitchen on the ground floor. I think it had about nine rooms on each floor. Not sure how it is set up now. One concern I would have of putting one in Midtown or near Downtown is if it wasn't carefully managed it would be just a matter of time before it became a flop house for those looking for weekly rent and no bills.

  23. #23

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Yep, that is what we need - a place to attract people that can't afford a place to stay.

    Dr. Buddy Rydell: In Europe, it's not considered unusual for three of four men to share a bed.
    Dave Buznik: That's why I'm proud to be an American.

  24. Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    It brings such a diverse international youth culture to the scene you just can't get otherwise. I think OKC can really benefit from opening one and would help on our international exposure scene and help "put us on the map." Heck, the Chamber would be better off spending their money supporting a local hostel than some of the things they do.

  25. #25

    Default Re: OKC needs a Hostel

    Quote Originally Posted by trison View Post
    One concern I would have of putting one in Midtown or near Downtown is if it wasn't carefully managed it would be just a matter of time before it became a flop house for those looking for weekly rent and no bills.
    One way to partly take care of that would be nobody could stay there with an Oklahoma DL/ID.

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