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Thread: The Fat Tire Coallition

  1. Default The Fat Tire Coallition

    There was some talk about Tire on another forum, but it didn't fit, so I thought I would start this up as a clearing house for OKC Fat Tire lovers . . . I'm drinking one right now . . . damn fine suds . . . to discuss this fine fine beverage . . . and perhaps a way to keep our individual beer fridges properly stocked between trips to states with more consumer friendly adult beverage regs. Perhaps if I was, say, going down to Dallas or out to Santa Fe for a weekend, I might post that info here, and if I was willing to schlep a few six packs back to OKC for others who were similarly inclined . . . who knows? If it’s illegal . . . all the better.

    BTW, I have a few 1554s in the ice box too . . . same great quality, but darker and richer, creamy head, and better at a little warmer temp than fresh out of the cooler.

    Fat Tire . . . Best name for a beer ever put on a bottle IMO.

    Any way, here it is, so have a go.


    Pray For World Peace . . . pass it on
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Fat tire rules!!!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    I absolutely LOVE Fat Tire, and anything else New Belgium produces. Their seasonal, 2 Below is good, as is a cold Mothership Wit on a summer evening. 1554 was really good too.

    I'm sitting on 2 12 packs of Fat tire, one cans, one bottles, for a special occasion. I'm starting to think that nursing them isn't a great idea, so I'd be willing to trade them for an equal amount in a month or two.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Quote Originally Posted by The Old Downtown Guy View Post
    Perhaps if I was, say, going down to Dallas or out to Santa Fe for a weekend, I might post that info here, and if I was willing to schlep a few six packs back to OKC for others who were similarly inclined . . . who knows? If it’s illegal . . . all the better.
    Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Quote Originally Posted by The Old Downtown Guy View Post
    There was some talk about Tire on another forum, but it didn't fit, so I thought I would start this up as a clearing house for OKC Fat Tire lovers . . . I'm drinking one right now . . . damn fine suds . . . to discuss this fine fine beverage . . . and perhaps a way to keep our individual beer fridges properly stocked between trips to states with more consumer friendly adult beverage regs. Perhaps if I was, say, going down to Dallas or out to Santa Fe for a weekend, I might post that info here, and if I was willing to schlep a few six packs back to OKC for others who were similarly inclined . . . who knows? If it’s illegal . . . all the better.

    BTW, I have a few 1554s in the ice box too . . . same great quality, but darker and richer, creamy head, and better at a little warmer temp than fresh out of the cooler.

    Fat Tire . . . Best name for a beer ever put on a bottle IMO.

    Any way, here it is, so have a go.


    Pray For World Peace . . . pass it on
    I like how you think.
    We go to Austin several times a year to visit the grand kids and we always take at least one cooler to stock up on groceries and stuff that we can't get here.

  6. Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Sign me and my fat tire up for some Fat Tire!

  7. Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Sign me and my fat tire up for some Fat Tire!
    Smell . . . what are you doing up at four oclock in the morning.

    My thought is that when someone plans to head out to Tire Land, said person could post their intention on this thread and the stay behinds could sign up for a sixer or two (I think half a case max). Pick up location and time to be determined. We would all arrive at the appointed place at the appointed hour . . . pay our tabs . . . share a cool one (or not) and head home happier people. We are now six strong . . . a perfect number. Twelve would be good . . . twenty-four would bring me to tears.


    Pray For World Peace . . . pass it on
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    While I love the New Belgium brews, lately when I head to better beverage states, I've been stocking up on St. Arnold in Texas (pretty much anything they brew) or Oskar Blues out of Lyons, CO (Dales Pale Ale and 10-fidy stout are the best brews going).

    I'm interested in the idea of a brew ride share of sorts.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    i've never had a fat tire, but wanna try... is there no local liquor store that carries it?


  10. #10

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    I prefer the 1554 & theTrippel. Dont really care for the Sunshine Wheat.

    i've never had a fat tire, but wanna try... is there no local liquor store that carries it?


    Nope. They wont even distribute here.

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    New Belgium is great.. unfortunately they don't ship here because liquor stores are not allowed to refrigerate their alcohol (or so I've been told). You'll have to head to Kansas or Texas to pick some up.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Fat Tire is pretty good not great...Not a fan of Sunshine at all

    Their best by far is their 2 Below Winter Ale

  13. Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Quote Originally Posted by The Old Downtown Guy View Post
    Smell . . . what are you doing up at four oclock in the morning.

    My thought is that when someone plans to head out to Tire Land, said person could post their intention on this thread and the stay behinds could sign up for a sixer or two (I think half a case max). Pick up location and time to be determined. We would all arrive at the appointed place at the appointed hour . . . pay our tabs . . . share a cool one (or not) and head home happier people. We are now six strong . . . a perfect number. Twelve would be good . . . twenty-four would bring me to tears.


    Pray For World Peace . . . pass it on
    THE SMELL needs no sleep!

    J/K....I do most of my work from midnight to 8.

    I'm not a HUGE fan of Fat Tire, but I do like it...I'd be more than willing to grab some for folks if ya'll would like. I'm headed to Texas as well as New Mexico in March (San Antonio and Taos, respectively), so I could probably swing something on those trips. How MUCH I can buy kind of depends on what car I take. If I take my pickup, I can buy about a 1/2 ton

  14. Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Excellent SMELL . . .

    1228? do you read film?

    Be sure to post your offer a week or so before you leave. If you aren't familiar with The Taos Inn . . . in Taos . . . be sure and try their Cowboy Buddha Margarita . . . nectar of the gods, pure nectar.


    Pray For World Peace . . . pass it on
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  15. Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Nah...I'm just a computer guy...ANd we like to fix our servers at night so we can a) take our time and b) not affect the customers when we break their servers. Reading film sounds interesting! And it sounds like I can do it at night! What's that? Does it pay decent? Does this "film" have Annette Bening in it?

    And while I'm not familiar with Taos at all (never been there), I can't stand margaritas period. Probably because I hate tequila. However, all is not lost! My wife LOVES margaritas. She'll be glad to have one by the time we get there I'm sure! Probably won't be as good as the ones I make though.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Only had Fat Tire one time...it was good but does not even come close to a Labatt Blue

  17. Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    I've been hung up on John Courage Irish Amber lately.

    /Is a sucker for reds, both women and beer.

  18. #18

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    I've heard the reason before, but I'm kind of foggy when it comes to remembering.
    Is the reason no one distributes New Belgium beers and others because it can't it can't be delivered, and stored cold?
    If anyone can provide the reason, or a link on the details, I would like to know.

  19. Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Quote Originally Posted by jstanthrnme View Post
    I've heard the reason before, but I'm kind of foggy when it comes to remembering.
    Is the reason no one distributes New Belgium beers and others because it can't it can't be delivered, and stored cold?
    If anyone can provide the reason, or a link on the details, I would like to know.
    It was something along those lines.

    However. I HAVE bought Fat Tire here. I bought it at the liquor store at 4th and Eastern in Moore (and I've not seen it since either).

  20. Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Good thing I've got plenty more to choose from.

    Here's mah beer fridge from (I think) last summer.

  21. #21

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Thats impressive. Love the Leinie's..
    I thought I'd enjoy Rock Hard Root Beer more than I did.
    I commend you for an excellent palate.

  22. Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Quote Originally Posted by jstanthrnme View Post
    Thats impressive. Love the Leinie's..
    I thought I'd enjoy Rock Hard Root Beer more than I did.
    I commend you for an excellent palate.
    Leinie's (yeah, I can't spell it either) has a really gentle red. It's good stuff.

    And yeah...The last 3 of those Rock Hard Root Beers got dumped out after sitting there forever. There are other (much better) alcoholic root beers out there, that's for sure. Oh, and I usually don't have NEARLY that much Shiner product in there, but I had a friend coming to town that just lives for the stuff so there was some extra.

    Chimay is getting to be quite the habit too. It's just so...GOOD.

  23. #23

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    that rock hard root beer is some pretty nasty stuff. bought some last year after reading about the local brewery that makes it... and unfortunately it made me curious as to what a hard root beer would taste like. uggh.


  24. Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    Yeah...Find a different one. Rock Hard is pretty bad...I've had others that were just plain stellar. When I lived in Denver, there was a place called C.B. & Pott's Brewery that would make it seasonally and...WOW. That was good stuff. They also had a vanilla porter that would curl your toes.

  25. #25

    Default Re: The Fat Tire Coallition

    I've always heard that New Belgium limits their distribution to places that can keep it refrigerated throughout delivery and storage... Unfortunately, no ice cold 6 pt. for us Okies. Sigh.

    I'm totally onboard with the FTC (Fat Tire Coalition). I used to go to Colorado every summer and I'd always bring back a case or two. Sadly, I don't take those trips anymore; it's been over two years since I last had a Fat Tire...

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