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Thread: 7 11 Stores

  1. #1

    Default 7 11 Stores

    I have heard they are no longer buying the gasoline that contains ethanol...anyone else hear this?

  2. #2

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Yep, check the stickers at your local stations. The ones I go to now all say that they are no longer buying ethanol, as they believe in saving you money, or something like that.

  3. #3

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    I noticed that this morning. I think they say that they will not use ethanol UNLESS it saves you money....

  4. #4

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    COOL!!! Thanks guys!

  5. #5

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Tis true...I don't think the Ethanol stuff is any cheaper now...I noticed this a week or two back. Now my question is, when prices go back up, will they swap stickers every other week?

  6. Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    I would imagine, given the above comments.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  7. Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    I've been thinkin bout starting a topic about something similar. Just how low will the price be for the stations to stop using ethanol? It is pretty much affordable now.

    I wonder when OnCue will wake up? Hello? I hope an OnCue manager is reading this and get the wakeup call!

  8. #8

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    OnCue is using Ethanol Free Fuel. (At least that is what the flashing sign says at the store on 15th and Air Depot.)

  9. #9

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Why are these stations removing the ethanol from their gas? Is it because gas is so cheap now that you might as well buy it without ethanol, or has regular gas dropped to the same price point as ethanol gas? I've noticed a fairly big price discrepancy between gas stations recently and I figured it might have something to do with certain stations being delivered ethanol gas and others being delivered ethanol-free gas...ie last night I noticed 7-11 at Danforth & Santafe had gas for $1.29, while the 7-11 at Danforth & Bryant (3 miles away) was $1.49. Of course I'm probably wrong though.

  10. Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    OnCue is using Ethanol Free Fuel. (At least that is what the flashing sign says at the store on 15th and Air Depot.)
    That's funny, because the last time I was there, they still had this "May contain up to 10% Ethanol" sticker. Maybe they should remove them all to totally restore our confidence. Do they secretly pour alcohol and anything else into those pumps?

  11. #11

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Those signs at 7-11 make me suspect that their fuel still contains ethanol. I still pay a few extra pennies at the foreign owned store across the street with the big yellow signs advertising no ethanol in their fuel.

  12. #12

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    I try to avoid 7-11's anyway - too dirty. I miss my Quick Trips! If only there were more On Cue's - they're almost like a QT.

  13. #13

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    That's funny, because the last time I was there, they still had this "May contain up to 10% Ethanol" sticker. Maybe they should remove them all to totally restore our confidence. Do they secretly pour alcohol and anything else into those pumps?
    Yes, I believe they do. While we are talking conspiracy theories I hear they perform alien autopsies in the back coolers, they have wiretaps on every gas pump feeding audio to a secret CIA location here in OKC and Jimmy Hoffa's body is buried under OnCue's corporate office.

  14. Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by kallio View Post
    I try to avoid 7-11's anyway - too dirty. I miss my Quick Trips! If only there were more On Cue's - they're almost like a QT.
    What 7-11's are you going to? Most of the ones I've been in recently have been quite nice.

  15. #15

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    What 7-11's are you going to? Most of the ones I've been in recently have been quite nice.

    There are still a few old 7-11 stores around the metro that need to be rebuilt or remodeled. He/she may live or work near one of them.

  16. #16

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by kallio View Post
    I try to avoid 7-11's anyway - too dirty. I miss my Quick Trips! If only there were more On Cue's - they're almost like a QT.

    Its true that 7-11's are not as nice, particularly in the restrooms...but....to not buy gas from them because of this?

  17. #17

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    Its true that 7-11's are not as nice, particularly in the restrooms...but....to not buy gas from them because of this?
    Yes. And plenty of other stores for the same reason.

  18. #18

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    There are still a few old 7-11 stores around the metro that need to be rebuilt or remodeled. He/she may live or work near one of them.
    How about all of them? Sure, the older 7-11 stores are not as clean as the new ones. But every time I go into ANY 7-11 store (even the brand new ones) it feels like I'm walking into the 1980s. I'm not usually the pickiest person about how stores look but I think 7-11 needs a bit of a change. Hopefully all of the OnCue stores popping up around OKC will give them some competition and therefore motivation to change!

  19. Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Look at Walmart and Target.

    Walmart stores are very bland, plain, brite white >>> Lower prices.

    Target stores are very decorative, blah blah blah >>> Higher prices.

    Maybe that is what 7-11 is doing. Keep it cheap style >>> Lower prices.

  20. #20

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    I pay at the pump so I rarely notice the 7-11 inside. When I do go inside for a drink, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. It's a gas station, not the Hilton! OnCue and Circle K have at least 2-3 cents higher gas. I'm cheap, so I don't care!

  21. Cool Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post

    Target stores are very decorative, blah blah blah >>> Higher prices.

    better alert the manager and tell them that you've "caught" them!

  22. Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    better alert the manager and tell them that you've "caught" them!

    I tell them all the time some of the prices is way too high. I tell them all the time that lower prices bring in more customers.

  23. #23

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Look at Walmart and Target.

    Walmart stores are very bland, plain, brite white >>> Lower prices.

    Target stores are very decorative, blah blah blah >>> Higher prices.

    Maybe that is what 7-11 is doing. Keep it cheap style >>> Lower prices.
    No, it's because they don't have any decent competition around here. Decent convenience stores like QuikTrip are able to offer low prices (well...by convenience store standards) and operate quality, clean stores. There's not much of a reason that 7-11 can't do that either.

  24. Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    7-11 also pays their employees better by quite a margin. My wife worked her way through college working there without having to take out a single student loan. She has no regrets from working there at all. That says a lot about them right there.

  25. #25

    Default Re: 7 11 Stores

    Quote Originally Posted by scootinger View Post
    No, it's because they don't have any decent competition around here. Decent convenience stores like QuikTrip are able to offer low prices (well...by convenience store standards) and operate quality, clean stores. There's not much of a reason that 7-11 can't do that either.
    No decent competition? You are kidding right? QuikTrip is in the same situation in Tulsa - they set the price on gas in Tulsa, moreso than 7-11 does in OKC. That being said, I appreciate what QuikTrip does inside their stores, but as far as gas prices, nothing wrong with how 7-11 does it.

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