Sweet. Now our cars will run on coal!
Sweet. Now our cars will run on coal!
Plug-in cars will drive the power generation to electric companies, so expect more natural gas, coal, nuclear and alternative energy power plants to be constructed.
Plug-in cars will not be widely adopted until they can go further than 100 miles on a charge, battery development is the key to getting plug-ins into the mass market. Whoever develops that break through technology will hold the key to the future of that technology.
How about a battery powered semi....
I heard yesterday don`t be surprised to see gas drpo below a dollar a gallon. Would tha not be a shock or what!
The prospect of 96 cent gas makes me wish I owned a storage container larger than the tank on my Suburban. Yeah, I know it ain't green, but you try and fit a 3/4 bass and its 6'3" musician and moms and pops in a Kia and then we'll talk about being green.
It was handy for Scouts too in the day.
Apparently, Tom Brokaw suggested to Barack Obama on Meet the Press yesterday that we should raise the fuel tax just enough to push the cost of fuel to $4.00 per gallon, being that is the price point the general public began altering their driving patterns and it would force consumers into more fuel efficient vehicles.
Thankfully, Obama did not agree.
I am sure the same air headed news readers who eagerly report Exxon/Mobile's quarterly profits with antipathy and disdain will be as equally excited when they report the latest massive layoffs from those same despised companies. If only the general public would realize most of our pensions and 401ks are invested in the same oil companies.
I want reasonably priced gas and the oil companies to make a profit, so that many of my fellow citizens can keep their jobs and continue to pay taxes.
Why is it that you always hear the uber rich push that idea? I think it has nothing to do with saving the planet. It is all about making the automobile to where it is only available to the elite and the wealthy. In other words more fuel and cars for me. Less for the working class.
The man who finally understands liberals or women could become very wealthy.
I figured out a woman once.
It caused a rift in the space/time continuum thingy, and VOILA! Platypus and fossils to confuddle people for eons.
My bad. Sorry 'bout that asteroid back in the Cretaceous Period too.
At least I learn from my mistakes and will no longer get involved in land wars in Asia nor will I listen to Goldman Sachs for investment advice.
truth: I understand women.
whole truth: I understand women well.
whole unvarnished truth: I understand women well enough to know I merely delude myself into thinking I understand them, and they find it amusing.
I don't think we're in an Oil Bust, I think it is a correction. The prices should have never gone so high to begin with. But now that the reason for the hike is out (and so is Bush), the market is correcting itself.
The days of inflation and price elasticity (energy anyways) appear to be over but it is still a growth market due to the new policy that will come down in a month, pushing for alternative energy and technology research. Hopefully OKC jumps into this and becomes the new energy center, alternative that is... (Houston can have the dirty stuff).
No worries -
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!
You said it, BDP! Considering the facts and alternatives, you could argue that OKC is in an enviable position. There will no doubtedly be some winners that emerge from the rubble when this is all over. If we play our cards right, we've got a great shot at becoming even stronger. Turn off the mind-sucking tube, stay prudent & support our local economy as much as possible. It's time to obey our parents & grandparents and show our children the way.
They only stand for freedom if you agree with their policy position, otherwise, you should be silenced.
not oil, but CHK is cutting their capex(drilling,lease acquisition, etc.) "rightsizing',eh.
i moved here after the last oil bust. what was it like? seriously. i moved here and heard about david walters and scandals. an oil bust plus an ou football dropoff?
> i moved here and heard about david walters and scandals.
> an oil bust plus an ou football dropoff?
That was you?!?
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