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Thread: Downtown buildings being razed..

  1. #1

    Default Downtown buildings being razed..

    Steve has an interesting post on his blog now. Basically one of the largest razing of downtown buildings ever may happen...I know lots of you on here will probably not be pleased with this news. Im in the boat with you...

    Steve's blog :

    OKC Central — All about downtown OKC

  2. Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    I hope not...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    If removal of the buildings are part of a larger redevelopment project then I would be in favor of it. Why do buildings constructed 80 years ago have any more right to exist than a building that is to be constructed today?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Yep.. if the buildings are being razed in order to create surface parking, I'm 'agin it. If the buildings are being razed in order to build highrise condos, I'm very much in favor.

    If we're able to command prices in the $250/sq. ft. range, it becomes very profitable to build high end luxury condos (that's about what they're going for in Dallas).

  5. Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    If removal of the buildings are part of a larger redevelopment project then I would be in favor of it.
    The buildings that were razed during the height of urban renewal were part of a larger redevelopment project.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Why do buildings constructed 80 years ago have any more right to exist than a building that is to be constructed today?
    You should already know the answer to that question...

  6. Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    I hate to be rude or offensive when I say this but....

    F%&$ those old buildings, tear em down the newer the better

  7. #7

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    The buildings that were razed during the height of urban renewal were part of a larger redevelopment project.
    Yes, but we aren't talking about tearing down half of downtown this time. But hey, if someone wants to propose a billion dollars in new development I am willing to listen.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    If the development is already funded, begins immediately following the razing and is an improvement over the existing buildings it is worth considering. But, we've all seen buildings torn down and the development not proceed. That should not be allowed to happen.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Preliminary funding, "gap" funding and construction financing are different things entirely. If they are demo'ing building hopefully they are "fully" funded projects so there isn't a bunch of surface lots there for 20 years like much of Downtown Dallas was after the 80's oil bust.

  10. Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    not "ever" ... but certainly in the last 20 years

  11. #11

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Betcha it's Preftakes...

    He's spent a lot of money assembling the properties west of the proposed Devon Tower and he must have some sort of plan in mind. Otherwise, why acquire a bunch of adjacent real estate?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    Betcha it's Preftakes...

    He's spent a lot of money assembling the properties west of the proposed Devon Tower and he must have some sort of plan in mind. Otherwise, why acquire a bunch of adjacent real estate?

    Is there much in the way of historic properties west of the devon tower site? Its been awhile since ive been done there, but i dont remember any buildings of significance. Hopefully its a fully funded, worthwhile project...

  13. #13

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Quote Originally Posted by LIL_WAYNE_4_PREZIDENT08 View Post
    I hate to be rude or offensive when I say this but....

    F%&$ those old buildings, tear em down the newer the better
    You're not being rude or offensive, but you're being stupid. Historic buildings add charm to cities. Can you imagine going to Paris or London and all the buildings you see reflect the architectural trends of the past 10 years?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Here's all the property Precor owns on that block... Different colors used to highlight separate properties.

    Interestingly, the only thing he doesn't own is the bus station and the city-owned office building and adjacent parking (apart from Coney Island and the pizza place, labeled #2 & 3). It could very well be that he's working a deal with city for all those properties, which would give him control of the entire block.

    One North Hudson:

    Parking Garage:

    Carpenter Square (vacant):

  15. #15

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Totally agree.....let's tear down all of these ancient eye sores.

    Because if there is one thing we don't have in Oklahoma....it's SPACE.


  16. #16

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Quote Originally Posted by mecarr View Post
    You're not being rude or offensive, but you're being stupid. Historic buildings add charm to cities. Can you imagine going to Paris or London and all the buildings you see reflect the architectural trends of the past 10 years?
    No, but I can imagine going to Dubai or Hong Kong and seeing all the modern architecture.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    I think Preftakes previously stated that he planned to preserve most of those buildings. I bet it's Sandridge.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Quote Originally Posted by mecarr View Post
    You're not being rude or offensive, but you're being stupid. Historic buildings add charm to cities. Can you imagine going to Paris or London and all the buildings you see reflect the architectural trends of the past 10 years?
    Yeah, I have and did. You see if for the last 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40,...... yrs.
    Just because a building is old, doesn't mean it's worth saving. An ugly building sitting on a corner 50 yrs ago, is still ugly today.
    A building needs more than just age to be salvaged. What if it sat empty for those 50 yrs? Is it worth it to preserve? What if it has no historic significance? Wouldn't it be smarter to take the historic money and put it towards something that is meaningful. OKC was screwed when we had everything demolished for the bigh I.M. Pei design. It's a historic time in OKC where we were won over with flare and flashing lights without actually thinking about it.
    So should we saved old unnecessary and unuseful buildings for newer green buildings? Do you want your grandkids to have to deal with these renovated buildings down the line that we saved just because they are old?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Well, unfortunately due to the city selling off the tax payer funded City Center to Devon, And Devon's building occupying the rest, there is going to be a large need for parking in that area. If they need to tear out buildings for that, I guess they should have thought of that before selling off the parking garage. Its unfortunately if historic buildings have to be torn down, but some of those buildings are roach motels.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    I think Preftakes previously stated that he planned to preserve most of those buildings. I bet it's Sandridge.
    Could be right... I was just speculating.

    But I think Precor must have some sort of master plan for that block, even if that means preserving most/all of the buildings.

    It's actually an excellent location, directly west of the Devon complex and park, adjacent to the soon-to-be-improved Myriad Gardens, north of the theater complex, just south of the Civic Center and Art Museum and with a huge parking garage to the west.

    Most of the smaller buildings they own on that block are vacant or in need of serious help.

  21. Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Quote Originally Posted by supersooner View Post
    So should we saved old unnecessary and unuseful buildings for newer green buildings? Do you want your grandkids to have to deal with these renovated buildings down the line that we saved just because they are old?
    Re-using existing buildings is more sustainable than any type of new "green" construction.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    I go by the Preftakes buildings every day. Most of them need either torn down or completely renovated. They sit empty, the windows are cracked or boarded up. It looks bad. If he has any sort of plan that involves simple renovation, there's no reason for him to wait on getting the bus station or any other property on that block. He's got to be thinking new construction.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Quote Originally Posted by LIL_WAYNE_4_PREZIDENT08 View Post
    I hate to be rude or offensive when I say this but....

    F%&$ those old buildings, tear em down the newer the better
    You're becoming quite an ignorant poster lately. What gives?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Quote Originally Posted by donbroncho View Post
    Is there much in the way of historic properties west of the devon tower site? Its been awhile since ive been done there, but i dont remember any buildings of significance. Hopefully its a fully funded, worthwhile project...
    Uh yeah, specifically the old Hotel Black.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Downtown buildings being razed..

    Yes, the fact that so many of those buildings remain vacant and no work has been done on them despite the fact he paid a pretty penny tells me something bigger is brewing.

    He paid $1 million for a small building on that block that is in bad shape. He also acquired a little parking lot just north of the bus station... Can't imagine why he'd make these moves if he wasn't trying to put together a much bigger project.

    Of course that could mean keeping some of what is there, like One North Hudson.

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