Re: Officials debate saving railyards vs. altering I-40
Just sixty years ago, freight trains were the primary mover of long haul freight and passenger trains and buses were the primary long distance mode of personal travel in the United States. Between, around 1950, and today, trucks gobbled up the lions share of long haul freight and airplanes replaced passenger trains as the primary choice of most long distance business and pleasure travelers. Except in densely populated US cities, the automobile (along with vans, SUVs, RVs etc.) has become more and more the transportation choice of individuals and families for short and long trips alike. Highway bus, and large RV travel is still important for vacation, excursions, some group travel and to those standing on the bottom few rungs of the US economic ladder. This is not a personal opinion, this is the documented transportation trend of the past sixty years. The reasons behind these trends can certainly be argued, and are, but the reality of the trends cannot.
Commuter rail travel has been historically important and use is growing in the major population centers of the NE. In the past few years, rail has reemerged as a viable option for commuter and short distance travel in and around cities between the Mississippi and the Rockies; again not just a personal opinion, as we are all familiar with the new passenger rail systems in Texas, Utah, New Mexico etc.
Today, passenger rail is still an upward moving trend. Predicting whether it continues at a minimal, moderate or fast pace, or fades away, is not an issue I or anyone else posting on this forum is probably well qualified for, even if we all did lots of research. But, we are all entitled to our opinions and we have seen many expressed here. I for one am impressed by many of the well reasoned arguments on all sides of these issues. And certainly, we can all agree that the present day upward trend in passenger rail travel is indeed, well documented.
The incredibly complex question(s) facing transportation planners, city planners, urban planners and the appointed and elected officials charged with making the far reaching decisions that effect the lives of us all is . . . . given all that we know and all that we can be relatively certain of, what should the freight, business and personal transportation system of the US look like in 2020 . . . . 2030 etc. Here in Oklahoma and Oklahoma City, there are those who believe much of the Union Station rail yard can simply be eliminated with little or no negative impact as a result on our future transportation system. There are others that take the opposite position and still others that put totally different priorities above transportation. A place of agreement probably is that our individual transportation needs are varied and our personal choices are made because of many factors; cost, convenience, access, habit . . . . it's a long list for sure.
I am personally in the camp with those who believe removing any of the existing tracks from the Union Station rail yard takes away valuable infrastructure that can serve our state and city well in the relatively near (2015) and distant (2070) future. Further, I believe (because of the apparent direction of economic and transportation trends driven by upward trending energy costs) that with imaginative transportation planning and strong political leadership, Oklahoma City can become an established major passenger and freight rail hub that will spur economic growth of such magnitude that it will make the current exciting revitalization and redevelopment of our urban core seem like just a drop in the bucket.
The Old Downtown Guy
It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
to observe and participate in the transformation.