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I was at the game (last year in the student section!) and it was very obvious people around me were not "in" it. After we score or make a big play, people usually are high-fiving, celebrating, wooping, getting loud, etc. After getting a touchdown only 4 minutes into the first quarter, the excitement quickly drained away. A total mismatch and everyone knew it, which made the game unusually uninteresting. I will save my judgment about the team until we actually play someone although I saw nothing that concerned me.
As for the storm, it was no surprise to me. I left four minutes before halftime when I started seeing lightning strikes to the southwest. I knew it was going to start pouring and I got back to my place just when it really started coming down. I just felt sorry for all those people who got soaked only to go to their cars that had sunk in the mud. Oh well I guess the tow trucks made a lot of money.
I have to ask because I've never seen OU on PPV? For the people who got it what did you think about the quality, how they handled the game delay, etc?