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Thread: Steve Carano...

  1. #1

    Question Steve Carano...

    Any idea where Steve Carano is? His bio is still posted on KOCO's website so I'm guessing he still has something to do with the station. I haven't seen him on TV doing the weather in a long time. Any ideas where/what he's doing now?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Oh yeah, come to think of it, I haven't seen him either.....good observation....

  3. #3

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Quote Originally Posted by FFLady View Post
    Oh yeah, come to think of it, I haven't seen him either.....good observation....
    Steve is still a meterologist at channel 5, his "dayjob" is as a professor at Rose State college.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    I'm guessing since they have four regulars now (Rick, Sarah, Rusty, and Andy), they don't have to call on Steve very often. Maybe he just sticks around to get his chasing fix in the spring.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Speaking of - I did manange to see him this weekend on the cable channel, 222 the First Alert weather station.....

    thanks for the update ocktvnewsguy...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Steve's on KOCO right now. He really didn't fall off the planet. Which makes me wonder...Sarah was on last night. I guess Rusty could be on vacation or on morning duty. Where's Andy?

  7. Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Quote Originally Posted by jsibelius View Post
    Where's Andy?

    KOCO.com - Weather Blog

    He is still around and did a blog post today.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    KOCO.com - Weather Blog

    He is still around and did a blog post today.
    Hmmm...guess I don't get up early enough in the morning. Maybe Rusty really is on vacation and Andy's got morning duty. Or maybe I just don't know what the heck's going on over there...

  9. Default Re: Steve Carano...

    I dunno. All I know is that it was just recently that Rick had just gotten back from a long vacation and then the other day, Rick said that he had just gotten back from a vacation. It seem to me that Rick always saying he had just gotten back from a vacation. How many vacation weeks are KOCO giving out?!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I dunno. All I know is that it was just recently that Rick had just gotten back from a long vacation and then the other day, Rick said that he had just gotten back from a vacation. It seem to me that Rick always saying he had just gotten back from a vacation. How many vacation weeks are KOCO giving out?!
    Those weather guys probably earn a lot of extra time off during April and May.

  11. Default Re: Steve Carano...

    I bet. It looks like to me they have to use them all up before the year ends.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Looks like they are doing the scheduling shuffle due to vacations.

    There are no comp days for that station. You work no matter the days, hours, etc. Sweeps (nov, feb, july, may) are off limits as well as March-June20 for severe weather. There is also a mini severe wx period around October and don't forget the ice/snow in Dec/Jan.

    Due to the above there are only a total of about 3 months in the year you can actually plan and take a vacation. With 3 people trying to fight for that small amount of time to take off, it creates the juggle of shift work. Typically you have to cover which means you are working extra for the guy who gets the day off. The whole thing is brutal!

    The good news for them is that now it seems they have 5 people to help split the shift work around so no one get's hosed. Welcome to the life of a weather person in OKC.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Well there should be comp time. You guys work hard! And that goes for all stations. Weather is hard work, and having lived elsewhere in "tornado alley" before moving here, no one works harder than the weather guys right here in the bulls-eye. Aaron, I hope you're enjoying your much-needed, and well-deserved break.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Talked with Carano the other day. He is enjoying a break away from KOCO. Still does occasional fill-in but no longer working 7 days a week. He picked up a heavier teaching course load at Rose State so things are good. He and his wife are also expecting! Baby Carano on the way...

  15. #15

    Default Re: Steve Carano...

    Quote Originally Posted by atutt View Post
    Talked with Carano the other day. He is enjoying a break away from KOCO. Still does occasional fill-in but no longer working 7 days a week. He picked up a heavier teaching course load at Rose State so things are good. He and his wife are also expecting! Baby Carano on the way...
    Awesome. I'll spread the word. He's got a following at other universities here in the metro. As do all you guys. (Do...that would be present tense.)

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