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Thread: NY Times: OKC Is Booming With Oil and a New Exuberance

  1. #51

    Default Re: NY Times: OKC Is Booming With Oil and a New Exuberance

    While I agree with the general sense that cowboys are not negative, there are both positive and negative associations with cowboys. Some of you folks sure are piling on. I think what the poster was suggesting is that it would be nice once and a while to have OKC mentioned without over-the-top cowboy references.

    It's probably the same if you live in Iowa. You dream of an article that mentions iowa without referencing corn.

  2. Default Re: NY Times: OKC Is Booming With Oil and a New Exuberance

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Yeah, I don't think cowboy has a negative connotation like say okie does. It's like someone said earlier, cowboys are part of what we're known for and when tourists come here they want to see cowboys and our western heritage.

    It's like when someone goes to Chicago they want to see old gangster hang outs and artifacts and gangsters have a far more negative connotation than cowboys. But I don't see Chicago shying away from that. It's part of their history.

    It doesn't sound small time at all. Cowboys are nothing to be ashamed of. Again, it's part of Oklahoma so maybe Oklahoma is just not for you. It's a good thing you moved to Seattle. That seems to be a lot more your speed, hot rod.
    Chicago doesn't have a National Gangster and Mafia Heritage Museum, nor does Chicago do ANYTHING to glorify it's crime history. Sure, there are small time tours and what not - but as you can see (if you've been to Chicago), almost ALL of the historical gangster past (and even the recent with Caprini Green etc projects) have been bulldozed!

    Now, I don't think we need to go that far. Like I said, I don't have anything against Cowboys or our OK Cowboy heritage. But why do we need to say it for our PREMIER museum when Western Heritage encompasses it already?

    It's like we're in 3rd grade or something and have to 'clarify' what we're saying because we can't use Adult type complex words. Im not sure why some of you are continuing to misread my point (when Ive said it what 4 times now).

    Western Heritage = Cowboys, so why do we need "Cowboy and Western Heritage" for the name of our National Museum? It's saying the same thing twice..... that's what's small time.

    That's my point - THE NAME is clunky and shows a rather lack of intellect (due to the 'Cowboy-Western Heritage repeat). I would be fine if it were just Cowboy Museum or National Western Heritage Museum (which sounds world class), but saying BOTH is small time.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  3. Default Re: NY Times: OKC Is Booming With Oil and a New Exuberance

    Both COWBOYS and INDIANS are completely legitimate and integral parts of Okc's heritage. Both are two of the parts that make up who we are, but not the only parts. The historic black parts come largely from Deep Deuce. The early Asian parts are in Okc's underground, manifested in today's time on and around N Classen, north of NW 23rd.

    The Cowboy Hall is probably, as this is written, the most effusive and elegant art museum in Okc. That status may come to be eclipsed or challenged by the the Native American Cultural Center presently being constructed at I-40 and Eastern.

    These are good days for arts in Oklahoma City. As for the "cowboy" and "Indian" identities, we are both and I, at least, embrace both... as well as the Asian and Black parts of our history, as well.

  4. Default Re: NY Times: OKC Is Booming With Oil and a New Exuberance

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    (and even the recent with Caprini Green etc projects) have been bulldozed!
    just for the record...

  5. #55

    Default Re: NY Times: OKC Is Booming With Oil and a New Exuberance

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    I would be fine if it were just Cowboy Museum or National Western Heritage Museum
    I agree. I think it should just go back to the plain, old, original Cowboy Hall of Fame. I never liked that they added Western Heritage Museum. I also still call the Cox Convention Center the Myriad. Old habits die hard.

  6. Default Re: NY Times: OKC Is Booming With Oil and a New Exuberance

    Quote Originally Posted by edcrunk View Post
    just for the record...
    And it didn't exist during the gangster period of Chicago history either.

  7. #57
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    Default Re: NY Times: OKC Is Booming With Oil and a New Exuberance

    I think it should just go back to the plain, old, original Cowboy Hall of Fame.
    But do we actually induct people into some sort of Hall of Fame? I thought it was more art museum than hall of fame.

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