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Thread: Coffee Slingers

  1. #76

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    So start a thread for Vintage Coffee and get people talking about it.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Stark View Post
    I've heard a lot of good things about Coffee Slingers, they seem to be creating quite a buzz. Congrats to them and welcome!

    We also own a little coffee shop in OKC. Vintage Coffee at 150th and Western. It's not really a trendy and edgy kind of place, more laid back and low key. I can't do trendy + caffeine, makes me irritable! lol.
    The operative words in that sentence are: 150th and Western. Much of Coffee Slingers' appeal is what it represents for the downtown urban core, where many of the posters here live, work, and/or play.

    I happen to live in your neck of the woods, and have tried your shop. I wasn't wholly impressed at the time (I believe I did try the Smoofee), but am certainly willing to try it again. I've been to Coffee Slingers on multiple occasions because of its convenience to where I work. I hop right off the highway, run in, and have my cup of joe to go to work on.

    Anyway, sorry for advertisement, I guess I'm just jealous of the buzz that these guys are creating.
    Buzz is a funny thing. In the case of Coffee Slingers, it was built of the excitement this new concept brought to downtown. Again, many of the folks on these boards live, work and play downtown, so the buzz got going. As you can tell, however, buzz also goes both ways.

  3. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Quote Originally Posted by mcbee04 View Post
    So start a thread for Vintage Coffee and get people talking about it.

    But only if you'll come in and then contribute to the thread!

  4. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    but am certainly willing to try it again.
    We certainly look forward to meeting you. Let me know how things go, creative criticism is welcome! We try real hard to put out the best product in Oklahoma.

  5. #80

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    buy Everlast's "Love ,war and the ghost of Whitey Ford" in late september...check the single "Letters home from the garden of stone" on the video section of martyr-inc.com....made me want to cry if i could cry...

  6. #81

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    ..now me want to dance in me pajama for the bountiful tragedy inside the comedy of all our repetitive intrusive thoughts....after a four shot americano squeezes into the crowded subway system of my morning brain i can spit out talkative passenger thoughts for 40 minutes straight without bothering to check which stop is who's and still get them all right in the pocket and on time....may the gods bless america and the world that supports us..... rise humans,rest us not long on the fattening cushions of our beloved pettiness,petting the skin off of our kenneled pet peeves.....good night

  7. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    hmmm, cryptic.

  8. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Not really...Just make sure you've had your coffee before reading his posts.

  9. #84

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Quote Originally Posted by mcbee04 View Post
    So start a thread for Vintage Coffee and get people talking about it.
    I wasn't trying to sound snarky when I wrote that. I realize now it may have come across that way. I should have thrown in a smiley or exclamation point.

    But it worked! There's a new thread for Vintage Coffee and people are leaving some good feedback.

  10. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Quote Originally Posted by mcbee04 View Post
    I wasn't trying to sound snarky when I wrote that. I realize now it may have come across that way. I should have thrown in a smiley or exclamation point.

    But it worked! There's a new thread for Vintage Coffee and people are leaving some good feedback.
    I didn't read snarky into it, at all. It was a good idea actually.

  11. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Looks like someone was really upset and threw a chair through the front window of Coffee Slingers this morning. Glass went everywhere. Police were called in. All because they wouldn't serve a blended ice coffee drink to the guy (i.e., Starbuck's Frappuccino style). Argument ensued between the barista (the owner?) and this guy about coffee philosophy. Guess that didn't go so well. Man, all this extreme heat really is affecting the way people think. Caffeine withdraw could have been a contributing factor too. I know I'm grumpy before my morning coffee, but am sure I would never go that far.

  12. #87

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    wow... i enjoy a frappe and haven't gone there mainly for that reason... but sheesh, that's crazy.


  13. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    ..I'm sitting here now and the guy is here to measure and replace the window...

    I wish I had as little to worry about has someone that thinks it is worth it to throw something through the window...

  14. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Is that actually what happened or did you just make up a funny story to go with the broken window?

  15. #90

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    That's just amazing. Please say that the identity of the nutjob is known. Someone that volatile does not need to be out on the street.

  16. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Is that actually what happened or did you just make up a funny story to go with the broken window?
    Not sure what about the incident was funny. Scary actually. Well, maybe it was my wry (and maybe inappropriate) comment about caffeine withdraw.

    I'm not sure what exactly happened. I heard it third hand from a friend of a friend who for whatever reason finds it fun to listen in on the police band early in the morning. I'm interested in crime - so I've got friends who are just like that and tend to spread the word when something interesting happens. Anyway, I drove by after I heard and saw what could reasonably be a chair shaped hole in the front window of the store that wasn't there when I bought a latte yesterday.

    I guess the details could be embellished or just plain wrong, but I have to say that I believe it. I recently read a Washington Post article about a disgruntled coffee shop patron in DC who was refused service when he asked for a triple shot of espresso served over ice. Apparently the ice sours the espresso, so it was a quality control issue. The patron went and blogged about the incident where he threatened to burn down the place with matches and kerosene. The owner then retaliated by threatening the blogger in the comment section of the blog with physical violence. Crazy!

    Here: I found the article:
    Espresso, Extra Bitter - washingtonpost.com

  17. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    When googling for other info about this, I found that in Cafe Evoke's blog that they have a picture of the window. The Coffee Slinger's website says nothing about it unfortunately.

    From A Thought Over Coffee: Here We Go Again...

  18. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    If that's what really happened, then no, it's not funny. But if it was a made up story then it was surely to make fun of the slightly snobby attitude that Coffee Slingers has about their coffee.

  19. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    If that's what really happened, then no, it's not funny. But if it was a made up story then it was surely to make fun of the slightly snobby attitude that Coffee Slingers has about their coffee.
    In my original review at the top of this thread I railed against them and their philosophy. It's amazing, but I've been converted. I love their lattes. Best I've ever had. However, I still stick with my comments. The coffee they serve is awful. Portions too small, not nearly hot or strong enough. However, the espresso drinks are wonderful. Should be Espresso Slingers not Coffee Slingers -- for sure.

  20. #95

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    There wasn't any argument, they got broken into last night. Whoever it was came away with about $15 in change. Sucks about their window though.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    I just called one of my good friends who is a barista there, and that's what she told me.

  22. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Quote Originally Posted by mcbee04 View Post
    There wasn't any argument, they got broken into last night. Whoever it was came away with about $15 in change. Sucks about their window though.
    Oh well. Guess I got suckered into believing the Frappucino story. However, it seems really stupid to break into Coffee Slingers given how open and visible their store is - right on Broadway too. Smash and grab just doesn't make sense. Moreover, what store leaves any money laying around at night? Plus, the place is probably alarmed. I'm not sure I believe anyone is that stupid. I suspect an ulterior motive. Ok, I know I watch too much CSI.

  23. #98

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    I had a latte there the other day. And it was good. But just good (for my tastes at least). It had just a slightly tangy aftertaste kind of like diner coffee. Not bad, just not the best.

  24. #99

    Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Interesting...the same thing happend to a coffee shop called Murky Coffee in Washington DC. The guy wanted his coffee a certain way and Murky wouldn't serve it, so the guy went ballistic. People really need to chill about their coffee (no pun intended).

  25. Default Re: Coffee Slingers

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCCrime View Post
    Oh well. Guess I got suckered into believing the Frappucino story. However, it seems really stupid to break into Coffee Slingers given how open and visible their store is - right on Broadway too. Smash and grab just doesn't make sense. Moreover, what store leaves any money laying around at night? Plus, the place is probably alarmed. I'm not sure I believe anyone is that stupid. I suspect an ulterior motive. Ok, I know I watch too much CSI.
    So I went to the source of this story, a friend of a friend, who listens to the police band. To the best of his recollection he heard the police called in over a violent dispute involving a chair being thrown through a window. He swears up and down on this but admits he was paying attention to another police call for a shooting near a school. Apparently, the Frappucino Theory was a construct of my friend to get me interested - knowing I like Coffee Slingers, even with their no frappe some-call-it-snobism policy.

    I don't really know this guy well, but he has passed on accurate and timely info before. That being said, and having thought about it some more, I highly doubt even the stupidest criminal would smash through a big window and crawl through glass shards for the hopes of finding money in a coffee shop on a brightly-lit well-trafficked street. Much more likely a smash and grab attempt would have targeted the bike shop next door. Those bikes sell for close to $1,000 and wouldn't necessarily be that hard to offload. A bike would make a good get away vehicle too.

    Mcbee04, I bet that the barista you called was probably told by the owner it was a break-in, especially if it was the owner in the altercation, to avoid the embarrassment.

    My money is on a violent dispute (over coffee?), or just someone with a (coffee?) grudge vandalizing the store. Straight up robbery is very low on my list of reasonable explanations.

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