All my life, and going to Bomber Field all the time, Lions Park, and the original shopping center on 29th ... I never lived or thought much about the Original Mile ...
But last year I bought a house here and among a few neighbors , I heard some stories about the houses here in the Original mile and the early MWC dignitaries who lived here, built the houses, etc.
I had heard that when MWC was begun, that this was called the Model City because the way the neighborhood and convenience was designed... I believe there were even stories written about the Model City ...
I don't know alot about what it takes to make any neighborhood considered and designated as a "Historic Neighborhood" but I"m wondering the pros and cons of the Original Mile being given the Historical Neighborhood recognition.
If you aren't familiar, this is from Midwest Blvd on the east, Air Depot on the west, SE 15 on the north, and SE 29 on the south.