Karma Baby
We've all heard the phrases re Karma,
'He'll get what's coming to him one day', She'll get hers'
Do you believe that 'what goes around comes around'?
Do you think people who treat people horribly will somehow eventually get a cosmic kick in the butt?
Do you feel this way or do you think it's all coincidental?
Good things happening or Bad things happening having nothing to do with how you acted or didn't act at some earlier point?
When people really get to me, I get great satisfaction from revenge fantasies and I find myself thinking ' one day, .. payback's a ' fill in the blank'
I can think of a few people that will eventually be held accountable for their transgressions .. it will come back to them in a very bad way, I just know it .. too bad they don't know it yet, then they might think twice about some of their actions.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "