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Thread: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

  1. Default Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    Are You in the Best City for Your Job? - Yahoo! News

    Click link for full story...There was a snippet that mentioned Oklahoma City and it made me chuckle.

    "Accepting a lower salary might make financial sense if you were willing to leave an expensive city such as Seattle and settle in, say, Oklahoma City".

  2. Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    I work in IT, so I'm going to go with a "HELL NO I'm not in the right city".

    But as long as where I work stays in business and I can keep my butt out of the sling (see: not get fired), I'll be just fine.

  3. Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    Every city needs good IT!

    I practice oil and gas law, so I'd say I'm in the best city in the country except for Houston and maybe DFW (and who wants to live there?!).

  4. Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    Every city needs it, as do most companies...But decent options for IT people are pretty slim around here.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    Haha, Seattle to OKC. Why would ANY one want to make that move? Haha.

  6. Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    Quote Originally Posted by JWil View Post
    Haha, Seattle to OKC. Why would ANY one want to make that move? Haha.
    I somebody "bought" me for a few hundred million, I'd move to a cardboard box in Mexico City if that's where they told me to go

  7. Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?


  8. #8

    Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    Quote Originally Posted by JWil View Post
    Haha, Seattle to OKC. Why would ANY one want to make that move? Haha.
    Many people who work for large corporations keep their west-coast salary no matter where they move to if their company transfers them. If you take that point and add to it the cost of housing factor, there's really a good selling point there.

    If you win a million dollars in the lottery on the west coast, you buy a house. If you win a million dollars in a lottery in Oklahoma, you buy a house, a beach condo, a new Mercedes, a boat, etc. etc. etc. etc. ........

  9. Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    I work in IT, so I'm going to go with a "HELL NO I'm not in the right city".

    But as long as where I work stays in business and I can keep my butt out of the sling (see: not get fired), I'll be just fine.
    I work in IT as well, and when I took a new job in Florida it paid nearly 50% more than the job I had in OKC was paying. Not to mention paid overtime and much better retirement benefits.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    Ha, I used to live in Bordentown! 350K sounds really high for a 2,800 square foot for that area, but they were trying to gentrify it when I lived there (which is why I moved, I couldn't afford my rent)...

    Which leads me to say...I took a large pay cut coming here, but I'm still saving way more (car insurance, rent, taxes, etc). Sometimes I feel though that my employer knows this and its keeping them from offering me a raise...grrrr....but its a free market and I can always go elsewhere...

  11. Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    I somebody "bought" me for a few hundred million, I'd move to a cardboard box in Mexico City if that's where they told me to go
    Double true.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Are You in the Best City for Your Job?

    Quote Originally Posted by JWil View Post
    Haha, Seattle to OKC. Why would ANY one want to make that move? Haha.
    You laugh, but think about what $50,000 is worth in Seattle vs. what $50,000 is worth here in OKC. Then think about the traffic in Seattle and think about the traffic here. Heck yeah, I'd move here.

    I knew someone who moved here just for the weather. She couldn't stand the cold and drizzle - she needed the heat and sun of summer again. And never mind that $50,000 a year paycheck might actually buy a decent house instead of an apartment in some crummy part of town. For her, that was merely a perk. And now she can afford to travel if she feels like she's not getting enough urban culture.

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