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Thread: City to add more round-abouts

  1. #26

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    I've seen people enter round-abouts and then they just stop because they are confused. I understand it's a little different, but it's not rocket science.

  2. #27

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    We have a lot of roundabouts here. They use a lot of them in residential areas. They also have a few in Washington DC. I absolutely hate them. They are an annoyance in low traffic areas and a major pain in the neck when traffic increases. At least half the drivers don't know how to work them and it is aggravating to have to deal with dipsticks who hit the brake, excellerate, wave in new drivers, rush to cut them off and otherwise don't understand the rules. You're right, it isn't rocket science but that doesn't mean much given the caliber of drivers.

  3. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Where was Classen Circle?

  4. #29

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Where was Classen Circle?
    Northwest Highway and Classen, roughly where the current intersection is today.

  5. #30

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    They finally paved the 10th & Shartel roundabout and NW 10th 2 days ago with asphalt. They still have some finishing touches and have to stripe the road. Not sure how long this will take considering I didn't see them do any work the last few weeks to prepare for the asphalt pouring. From what I can tell, good ole boy Rudy Construction Co could have poured this thing months ago. I'm not sure why it takes nearly a year to make a roundabout. Our transporation departments have serious issues in this state.

  6. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Absolutely metro . . . I don't know what all the hold ups were either . . . unfortunately OKC like government in general does things in a linear manner rather than thinking globally. They just deal with each problem as it arises rather than trying to determine what the issues will be and developing a plan . . . your tax dollars at work, but not terribly efficiently at work.

    As far as using the roundabout at 10th and Walker; I go through it at least four or more times a day and very seldom encounter a problem. Perhaps OKC drivers are just more accustomed to getting around in a car and would have real problems getting on and off a subway train.
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
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  7. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    i was told the hold ups allow the contractors to charge more for materials (that i guess they already have) as they increase in price (however, this was in regard to highway construction).

  8. #33

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    The 10th & Shartel Roundabout opened up again for traffic yesterday. It is working in 3 of the 4 directions. You can now head east on NW 10th all the way until Shartel (roundabout). You can head north or south on Shartel, however you cannot continue to go east through the St. Anthony's hospital complex just yet. Looks like they are finishing up some minor things (sidewalks, landscaping, etc.). I'll try to post pics soon. Glad some traffic can finally be relieved. Francis was getting to be a nightmare.

  9. #34

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Quote Originally Posted by angel27 View Post
    Does anyone else remember seeing how many times they could circle the old Classen Circle..?
    Yes, back in high school in the 60's, that was a favorite thing to do for the guys...load up the car and head to the Classen Circle and go round and round. (Wasn't much to do back in those days!!)

  10. #35

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Sid: That might actually help! Also, do they typically have the "one way" markings? I have seen folks go the wrong way before...

  11. #36

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Probably the same folks that turn right from a left hand turn lane (or vise-versa). Have seen it a couple of times, fortunately late at night when thee wasn't any traffic. Don't know if theyhad just left the bars or decided it was too much trouble to drive all the way around the circle...LOL

  12. Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    We have a lot of roundabouts here. They use a lot of them in residential areas. They also have a few in Washington DC. I absolutely hate them. They are an annoyance in low traffic areas and a major pain in the neck when traffic increases. At least half the drivers don't know how to work them and it is aggravating to have to deal with dipsticks who hit the brake, excellerate, wave in new drivers, rush to cut them off and otherwise don't understand the rules. You're right, it isn't rocket science but that doesn't mean much given the caliber of drivers.
    I have never, not once, had a bad (or shocking) experience at a traffic circle or roundabout.

    There have been a few times where I've had to honk at a car in front of me for stopping at the entrance with no other cars in the roundabout, but other than that, I don't get where this angst is coming from. I guarantee you that a lot of these people who have had horrific experiences are just people that I honked at because I didn't have time for them to figure it out before they worked up the nerve to give it some gas...

  13. #38

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    I'm guessing you are spot on. In other words, probably not the kind of people that will obey painted arrows on a road.
    Painted arrows, I have seen a few not get the clue when the paint, road and curbs all turn simultaneously that they are suppose to follow it.

    Also it seems like it is now the majority of people are making left turns at stoplights too shallow, most of the time it is not really an issue but like one in twenty go so shallow have to make an correction to not hit a car in the turn land of the road they are switching too.

  14. #39

    Default Re: City to add more round-abouts

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I have never, not once, had a bad (or shocking) experience at a traffic circle or roundabout.
    I have, and more than once. However, given the dim bulb look of the other motorists, I was reasonably certain navigating simply straight roads presented them some challenges as well.

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