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Thread: Just got home from Warren Theater...

  1. Default Just got home from Warren Theater...

    I just got back from the 1245 showing of "Leathernecks" at the new Warren Theater in Moore.

    It was everything that it has been billed up to be. The decorations are spectacular, the seats are amazingly comfortable and the audio and video are second to none.

    The problem is that we had to stand in line to get tickets. Not really a problem I suppose, as I could've easily bought them online, but there was only one outside sales window and two inside. There were just as many people inside as there were out.

    A lot of people had pre-purchased tickets online, but the catch is that you still have to stand in line to get your tickets. So be sure to get there at least 30-45 minutes before your moving starts to allow for long lines.

    Also, it appears that Warren will have at least one touch-screen terminal (I didn't really look for any others) so that people can either purchase or pick up tickets quickly. Unfortunately, the one terminal that I found was not online.

    The bright spot of the entire day is that while we were waiting outside in line, a manager came out and asked if anyone was waiting to see the 1245 showing of Leathernecks. My friend and I answered yes and we, along with several others, were promptly escorted directly to the theater, without having to make any ticket purchases.

    As for the refreshments, typical movie style refreshments and the pricing that comes along with it. We got a medium sized tub o popcorn (btw, there's a HUGE difference between small and medium) and a medium drink. PLus, $0.50 EXTRA for the REAL butter. To me, the butter was not worth it. Gimme the other stuff any day. The medium popcorn, with real butter, and medium drink came to a $10.00, which again is ridiculous, but nothing you won't find at any other theater. Thankfully, that's all I spent today, thanks to the manager.

    I will definitely be going back so that I can experience the diner and balcony/lounge areas. I just might wait a few weeks before doing so.

    And finally, the movie was funny. Gave a little perspective on professional football in the 20's, but I would not call this a "sports" movie. Clooney and Zellwegger were ok. Overall, I was entertained.

  2. Default Re: Just got home from Warrent Theater...

    I'm sure we will make a "movie night" and take the family to see something just to say we did it.

    Are the balconey tickets really $18/ea?!!? And I really want somebody to report back on the price and quality of a movie theatre steak. If they get $10 for popcorn and a Coke, can you imagine what a steak, salad, side and a glass of wine would cost.. IN A MOVIE THEATRE.

    Personally, give me my 70" flat-panel HD TV, with a Blue-Ray movie, surround sound and a home cooked meal any day over someone's cell phone going off or some chatterbox sitting behind me.

    But, I expect it will be heaven for thousands and I do wanna check it out (once). I'm just surprised we weren't asked to support Maps for Movies to pay for the thing.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Just got home from Warrent Theater...

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    I'm just surprised we weren't asked to support Maps for Movies to pay for the thing.
    Why would we be????? How is MAPS even close to relevant to the Warren Theater?????

  4. Default Re: Just got home from Warrent Theater...

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    I'm sure we will make a "movie night" and take the family to see something just to say we did it.

    Are the balconey tickets really $18/ea?!!? And I really want somebody to report back on the price and quality of a movie theatre steak. If they get $10 for popcorn and a Coke, can you imagine what a steak, salad, side and a glass of wine would cost.. IN A MOVIE THEATRE.

    Personally, give me my 70" flat-panel HD TV, with a Blue-Ray movie, surround sound and a home cooked meal any day over someone's cell phone going off or some chatterbox sitting behind me.

    But, I expect it will be heaven for thousands and I do wanna check it out (once). I'm just surprised we weren't asked to support Maps for Movies to pay for the thing.
    Yes, balcony seats are $12 for matinee and $18 for evenings. Adults 21 and over only. But what is funny is that they are showing Nim's Island, a kid movie in one of the two grand auditoriums....with a balcony. Doesn't make much sense to have a movie geared towards kids in the balcony theater and kids can't even sit in the balcony.

    I haven't even seen a menu for the diner and/or lounge yet. There's not on posted on the Warren web site, as far as I could tell.

    My friend said that she saw something, and it was all basic foods (nachos, pasta, etc) and no steak. But there was a chicken fried steak entree.

    If there's a link to a menu, please show me the way.

  5. Default Re: Just got home from Warrent Theater...

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    Why would we be????? How is MAPS even close to relevant to the Warren Theater?????

    I believe BailJumper was providing some humor with that statement.

  6. Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...


    I just realized I called the movie LeatherNECKS in my original post. LOL

    It is, of course, titled "LeatherHEADS"

    Also, thanks to whoever corrected my subject line.

    Last edited by Intrepid; 04-04-2008 at 03:54 PM. Reason: I'm a dork.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    I saw the menu last night at the pre-opening party. Lots of fried stuff, salads, sandwiches and some pizza. Think there was some blackened chicken and some stuff like that too.

    The balcony is cool. Giant heated seats (you can turn them off or on) and with the press of a button and cocktail service!

    It was way swanky!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    If I heard a local news proggie correct, and i concede I may not, isn't the dinner menu for the balcony the same menu as the chow hall inside the theater. I thought one of the talking ehads said you could order anything off their menue, but well, i've missed some sleep lately and may have just processed the info wrong.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Just got home from Warrent Theater...

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    Yes, balcony seats are $12 for matinee and $18 for evenings. Adults 21 and over only. But what is funny is that they are showing Nim's Island, a kid movie in one of the two grand auditoriums....with a balcony. Doesn't make much sense to have a movie geared towards kids in the balcony theater and kids can't even sit in the balcony.

    I haven't even seen a menu for the diner and/or lounge yet. There's not on posted on the Warren web site, as far as I could tell.

    My friend said that she saw something, and it was all basic foods (nachos, pasta, etc) and no steak. But there was a chicken fried steak entree.

    If there's a link to a menu, please show me the way.

    From what I "heard", They are showing nims island in the Grand theatre for training purposes knowing that alot of over 21 folks will not be in the balcony to view thus giving the staff a chance to come to grips with the operation.

    We will be heading there tonight to view Shutter. I will give my review later.

    As for the standing in line for tickets, I was there when they first started selling tickets on 4/2, And they had ALL kinds of computer problems...Waited 45 mins in a line only 6 deep. Good thing is the manager was outside answering all of our questions about the place....His name is Jeramiah....Good guy.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    can't wait...can't wait!! I need to go this weekend.


  11. #11

    Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    I thought I posted this in my earlier post but maybe not ...

    The DINER menu seemed "reasonable" costs ... like really a better deal than the popcorn/coke stuff but I didn't study it either. Just what it looked like when I glanced at it last night.

    Also, from the DINER - you CAN take that food into any of the theaters ... that's how I have heard it explained - also on the News9 video deal too.

    Didn't see costs of what the Balcony menu was ... not sure on that one.

    Again, nice place ...

  12. #12

    Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    i LOVED driving by it tonight and seeing it all lit up!! I can't wait to go!!! but I am a movie theater freak anyway!!

  13. Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    Intrepid.. lol.. you have me cracking up over here! Leathernecks! hahahahha
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    Intrepid.. lol.. you have me cracking up over here! Leathernecks! hahahahha
    Glad I could provide some laughter!

    I didn't notice it until I was talking to someone on the phone, shortly after the original post, and I told them that I went to see "Leathernecks" and they started laughing. They had to make me realize what I had said! I then realized that I had typed that out in the post too.

    I rule.

  15. Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    I rule.
    Yes you do!

    Glad you enjoyed the theater experience!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  16. #16

    Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    Heres my review:

    I had picked up tickets a couple of days in advance, So we did not have to wait in any lines for tickets. When we entered the main entrance, It was a beautiful sight with all of the nice décor and lightning.

    We had sometime before the movie, So we headed upstairs to test out the lounge. They check your id at the top of the stairs, And you can head over to the bar. We ordered our drinks a couple of beers and some mixed drinks. You get the beer in a bottle, Which was a little surprising because I thought by law they had to put it in a glass, But it was good nonetheless. The mixed drinks are way light on the liquor, Which is good for some but others may complain. The lounge area is very nice, The lighting and the plasma tv’s and various seating arrangements with booth like seating and nice big comfy chairs all around. I could see them expanding this a little, Because it seemed a little crowded and kind of hard to find a seat. They had some old academy awards playing on the plasmas which was a little interesting.

    Finally went down to grab some popcorn before our viewing and they staff seemed a little tired (it was a late showing) but were very helpful. We went in to see “Shutter” which was a terrible move. Walking in to the theatre a voice comes on to welcome you to Warren theatres (soon this voice will give you tidbits about the movie actors in it etc. But the voiced recordings were not done in time for this week) the waterfall curtains raised and the seats were very comfy and are able to rock back and forth. With plenty of legroom, I see NO reason to prop your feet up on the seat in front of you but many did, Which I find very annoying.

    They have a neon clock on the wall which was cool, But not so cool if your in a terrible movie and know how much time you have to sit through the train wreck. The sound was second to none and the picture is all digital which has its good and bad aspects. The good, The overall “far” shots of everything going on rock, But the close-ups you can see some darks spots on the screen. Actually it would probably be best viewed far away from the screen as possible. Seating arrangements are VERY well thought out and have to be seen to be appreciated.

    Also don’t know if anyone has mentioned it or not, But if you sit in the balcony they are ALL reserved seats which means its like going to a concert and you sit in your assigned seat. You pick your seats from a chart when you buy your tickets. We will be trying that next time.

    Also, You can kind of tell they cut short from the original concept due to the only bathrooms we were aware of on the first floor are all the way back near the entrance by the fireplace (yes they have a real fireplace!). So if you are watching a movie far in the north wing, Go before the movie. But at least they are super clean.

    Overall AWESOME theatre. Just make sure you see a good movie to go along with it, Or you will only get half of the experience. We will definitely visit again.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    xpert - good review.

    You brought up a couple of things that I did forget ...

    Feet on seat ... I think I saw a Warren employee checking for things like this and asking people to put their feet down if rested in front of them but not sure if that was it or not. I don't see how or why you would want to do this b/c it's too far to stretch out there!!

    Clock ... I thought the clock was a nice touch. Haven't seen it done before and it was useful as we were in a very late movie and enjoyed being able to check the time and not my watch or phone

    Bathrooms ... YES, this is a FLAW. My wife complained about this and we were on the South end but only 1 theater into the wing but we did talk about that being a negative and ill-designed b/c of the walk. By the time she walked back and forth, she might have to go again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by xpertinfun View Post
    ... I see NO reason to prop your feet up on the seat in front of you but many did, Which I find very annoying. ...

    They have a neon clock on the wall which was cool, But not so cool if your in a terrible movie and know how much time you have to sit through the train wreck. ...

    Also, You can kind of tell they cut short from the original concept due to the only bathrooms we were aware of on the first floor are all the way back near the entrance by the fireplace (yes they have a real fireplace!). So if you are watching a movie far in the north wing, Go before the movie. But at least they are super clean....

  18. Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    What kind of person would go to a brand new theater and put their feet on brand new chairs ???

    I absolutely cannot stand sitting in a chair and having someone behind me put their feet on a chair anywhere next to me.. it's so gross and rude.

    That is the tackiest thing! What's next, gum under the seats? yuk.
    Last edited by Karried; 04-06-2008 at 01:57 PM.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  19. Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    What kind of person would go to a brand new theater and put their feet on brand new chairs ???
    The same people who bring their kids and do not quiet them, talk to the person next to them and answer their cell phone.

    I have little to no patience with the public, one reason I tend to only go on Saturday mornings when nobody else is around.

    I have actually seen people put their feet on a seat back/top/side that SOMEBODY IS SITTING IN! I would go nuts.

  20. Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    I go on Saturday mornings too before noon..it's $5 bucks and usually half full. I love going then.

    I would go nuts too if someone put their feet on my chair, I'd politely turn around, grab their ankle and break it in half.

    lol... my fantasy ... in actuality, I'd probably move and then go get the manager.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  21. Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    I go on Saturday mornings too before noon..it's $5 bucks.

    That's one of the bummers for Warren....matinee prices are $7, even for kids under 12.

    But hey, I'm not complaining. I'd spend that extra $2 in time and/or fuel getting to another theater in S. OKC or Bricktown.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    anyone that's been know if they have leather or vinyl seats? Sounds like if they are going to allow pasta, pizza, nachos, chicken fried steak, etc. in the theatre, that it's only a matter of time before the seats are coated in gravy, nacho sauce, pizza sauce, or all three.

  23. Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    anyone that's been know if they have leather or vinyl seats? Sounds like if they are going to allow pasta, pizza, nachos, chicken fried steak, etc. in the theatre, that it's only a matter of time before the seats are coated in gravy, nacho sauce, pizza sauce, or all three.

    Cloth seats and full carpeting in all theaters.

    I was thinking the same thing when I went to the second movie on Saturday...how long it would be before food stains would occur.

    But with as much expense as they have put into this place, i'm sure that all of that has been taken into consideration and they have a good cleaning service.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Just got home from Warren Theater...

    I have heard that they fully wash/shampoo the carpet each week. I don't know if that's true or not and I don't know how they handle dirty chairs but I know from other theaters that those all seem to be messy and they are all cloth too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
    Cloth seats and full carpeting in all theaters.

    I was thinking the same thing when I went to the second movie on Saturday...how long it would be before food stains would occur.

    But with as much expense as they have put into this place, i'm sure that all of that has been taken into consideration and they have a good cleaning service.

  25. Default Re: Just got home from Warrent Theater...

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    Why would we be????? How is MAPS even close to relevant to the Warren Theater?????

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