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Thread: Award winning??

  1. #1

    Default Award winning??

    Don't mean to sound so negative about certian things, but what kind of award are these restruants talking about, I've seen a few spots on the T.V. and this commercial for this restruant claims to be award winning....what awards the only thing I can see that'll have any kind of restruant review is in the Gazzet....and the Oklahoman has a cooking section on Wed. addition paper....and it just has recipes....I'm alittle confused can anybody go on the radio or t.v. and claim an award winning status

  2. Default Re: Award winning??

    There are national and regional awards as well. I don't know which restaurants you're talking about to research it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Award winning??

    I'm aware of the National but not the regional and restruant that lays these claim is Pearles

  4. Default Re: Award winning??

    Their website only lists the Gazette and Oklahoman awards. I'm sure that's all they are referring to.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Award winning??

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Their website only lists the Gazette and Oklahoman awards. I'm sure that's all they are referring to.
    O.K. not to sound like a troll but lets see I'm gonna sort this out the both newspapers I advertise thru give me a award winning rating......and niether papers have a food column....something here just don't smell right

  6. #6

    Default Re: Award winning??

    Mark, first off it's Pearl's not Pearle's. Secondly, both papers have an annual "Best Of" edition. Several of the categories are for restaurants (each has awards for different types of restaurants). I'm confident Pearl's has won several times. These awards are "Readers Choice" meaning that readers fill out the nomination forms and mail them in. The votes are tallied to determine the winners.

    Gazette has a food section weekly (not for awards) and has nice reviews. It's called the Smag 7. They usually also have a feature story about a particular restaurant, food event, or type of food as well. Oklahoman, well sadly they need a true food section with actual food reviews. I do believe they have a Food section on Sundays, but it's more recipe oriented.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Award winning??

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Mark, first off it's Pearl's not Pearle's. Secondly, both papers have an annual "Best Of" edition. Several of the categories are for restaurants (each has awards for different types of restaurants). I'm confident Pearl's has won several times. These awards are "Readers Choice" meaning that readers fill out the nomination forms and mail them in. The votes are tallied to determine the winners.

    Gazette has a food section weekly (not for awards) and has nice reviews. It's called the Smag 7. They usually also have a feature story about a particular restaurant, food event, or type of food as well. Oklahoman, well sadly they need a true food section with actual food reviews. I do believe they have a Food section on Sundays, but it's more recipe oriented.
    Thanks for the review and the correction of the spelling of Pearls, I have seen the reader choice list, and do wish that one of the paper will include a food colmn non-biased, and if the food is good review it as good and if it's bad do the same, but I guess the foodie world is small here in OKC, nobody wants to step on anybodys toes, I've seen in the past review that the gazzett named Earls Rib in bricktown as one of the best BBQ in the OKC area.......by far.... are you kidding!!!, I've been there once and thats all it took, not to go back and normally I'll give the three strikes your out but all it took was one time.

  8. Default Re: Award winning??

    Well, the gazette probably didn't name Earl's the best--the readers did.
    Still corrupting young minds

  9. #9

    Default Re: Award winning??

    I don't know about Earl's in Bricktown but the one in Moore has exceptional service and outstanding food in my experience.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Award winning??

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    Well, the gazette probably didn't name Earl's the best--the readers did.
    People are dumb.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Award winning??

    Markbb, I agree, the media in OKC is not friendly to FoodieFan's. I've thought several times about asking the Oklahoman for a job as a food reviewer (and I'm not even a journalist).

    In regards to Earl's, I agree it is lousy excuse for BBQ. In fact, for the past 2 days I have been wanting BBQ and I live downtown. I just realized my only options are really Earls, and I suppose Leo's (although it has very limited hours). Honestly, both places are sub-par in my book. I really wish there was a decent BBQ joint downtown or Mid-Town. I suppose UrbanStarr is the closest decent BBQ to downtown, and it's several miles away.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Award winning??

    Quote Originally Posted by flintysooner View Post
    I don't know about Earl's in Bricktown but the one in Moore has exceptional service and outstanding food in my experience.
    They are good, but I don't think they are the best. I think the reason they win is because they have many locations... Just my guess.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Award winning??

    Really Metro can't really help you out in the downtown area but take a drive down 23rd, I like Mr Ts the ribs are great but the pork sandwich is hammy tasting and there's alot more on that strech of road....I've had mixed reviews on Leos good desert, and the BBQ is meager but what do I know I'm in luv with BBQ since I have 3 smoker and make my own Q......

  14. Default Re: Award winning??

    LEO's is sub-par BBQ??? :O

  15. Default Re: Award winning??

    Quote Originally Posted by Markbb View Post
    Really Metro can't really help you out in the downtown area but take a drive down 23rd, I like Mr Ts the ribs are great but the pork sandwich is hammy tasting and there's alot more on that strech of road....I've had mixed reviews on Leos good desert, and the BBQ is meager but what do I know I'm in luv with BBQ since I have 3 smoker and make my own Q......
    You just lost all credibility you might have had, troll.

  16. Default Re: Award winning??

    Coach's next to the ball park has BBQ.

    Also, a lot of restaurants are apart of Hospitality clubs and members of national associations of restaurants. They have dinners and award ceremonies. The recognized each other and award both locally and nationally.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Award winning??

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    You just lost all credibility you might have had, troll.
    What the hell is that suppose to mean???

  18. Default Re: Award winning??

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    Coach's next to the ball park has BBQ.
    Coach's BBQ is nasty.

  19. Default Re: Award winning??

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Coach's BBQ is nasty.
    hahaha, but they smoke it themselves every morning. I like to sampler platter, you won't find that on the menu, but just tell the server it's on the second page of the appetizer menu on the computer.

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