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Thread: Terrible sportsmanship

  1. #1

    Default Terrible sportsmanship

    I happen to be flipping through the channels last night and caught the replay of the Lawton high/ PC original high school girls game. It was close so I thought I would watch. At the 4 min mark something happened that made me drop my beer. I tick/tack foul was called on number 23, what happened next was crazy. She proceeded to drop some f bombs and other 4 letter words at the ref. Apperantly the ref didnt hear her or see what came next. She flew the bird at the ref. The coach for PC did nothing, didnt pull her out of the game or anything. The ref not seeing these acting didnt do anything either. The color person, remarked saying she is a firey player, but that isnt good sportsmanship. Not a minute later the ref stopped the game and threw out a fan. I believe it was her father. So i guess the apple didnt fall to far from the tree. If this wasn't her father I apologize. Now granted I talk smack and run my mouth sometimes playing sports. But my problem was with the coaching staff of PC. For the head coach to let her players act this way was beyond me.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    PC Schools are not the schools they used to be, in a round about way they are just as bad as OKC Public Schools. PC Schools are full of ghetto kids with ghetto parents.

    My neice used to play for North. I went to several rival PC school games and I would see the exact same thing your are talking about.

    The school staff cannot do anything because anytime a ghetto kid gets in trouble the parents show up at school threatening to sue. The school officals cower and the kid gets away with murder.

    Why do you think so many people are selling their houses near PC schools? When I have children I will either home school them or send them to private schools that enforce discpline and teach kids to be upstanding citizens.

  3. #3
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Feel free to express your disgust by writing the Putnam City AD and pricipal here. If nothing else, you'll at least be talking to someone who can do something about it (even if they don't).

  4. #4

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Good luck with contacting the district officals. My sister and brother-in-law went down this path too many times to count.

    PC Schools are too scared of being called racist to do anything about it.

    PC Schools were an excellent school system until every other apartment complex in the district went section 8.

    The parents who cared about the district got tired of fighting. They moved to Edmond, Deer Creek and Piedmont.

    Why do you think home building is exploding north of Memorial and west of Council? It is because the PC school district line stops just north of 122nd. Piedmont and Deer Creek district lines start south of 127th and west of council.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Man, I didnt know it was that bad. I thought why doesn't the school suspend the kid, then I thought someone would sue. Then I thought why doesn't the coach get into trouble with the Principal or School AD. I know when I have kids, they will go probably edmond schools (went to them myself), and if my child acts like that, I'll personally stop the game and pull him/her out of the game.

  6. #6
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Just for the heck of it, I wrote to them asking about an apparent lack of sportsmanship during that game. Here are the relevent portion of their responses.
    Quote Originally Posted by A.D.Burtchschi
    The situation you are responding to did not go unnoticed or will it go unpunished. Quite frankly I'm not sure the coach saw what happened---however she and I are discussing it today. This type of behavior does not nor has it ever represented PC......We define ourselves and our character on how we handle adversity, on this occasion the young lady in question did not make a good decision and responded poorly. None of us are perfect we have all done things in our lives that we are not proud we can learn and improve if we admit our short comings and strive to do better.
    Coach Peeler and her girls have displayed the highest level of excellence, character and discipline until that one remote incident. You cnn (sp) count on her doing the right thing in this matter.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dandy Peeler
    My name is Dandy Peeler. I am the head basketball coach at Putnam City High School. I am truly sorry for the behavior of one of my players. I was aware of the behavior she demonstrated on and off the floor. I am in the process of taking care of the situation. This young lady is one of the best student-athletes at Putnam City High School, yet she failed to demonstrate it on Saturday. She had already apologized to Dr. Wentroth and our team for her poor judgement of gestures and language.
    Please understand that this situation will not go unpunished or unnoticed. I will make sure that this young lady and the other Pirates understand that sportsmanship is first and foremost in any of our Pirate programs.

  7. Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Very good madmonk .. at least they understand that it was noticed, it is unacceptable and the parents aren't going to stand by and allow this type of behavior.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. #8

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Good job monk I echo Karried remarks. Hopefully everyone can learn from this matter.

  9. #9
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Here's a nice follow-up email I just received from Coach Peeler. She is conveying the girl's apology. I've removed her name (she is still a minor).
    To Whom it May Concern,

    My name is [Name Redacted], and I am #23 on the Putnam City Lady Pirates. I would like to, first and foremost, apologize for my behavior in Saturday's game. I allowed my anger and frustration to get the better of me, and for that I am sincerely sorry. I ask that Saturday's occurrences do not prevent attendance at future PC sporting events, as this was a one-time mistake and will never be repeated. I take full responsibility for my actions, and request that this event does not alter your opinion of Coach Peeler, Coach Burtschi, or any member of Putnam City's Basketball Program, as the fault is entirely my own. Again, I am sorry for the trouble I caused, and assure you that it will never happen again. Thank You.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    I have nieces and nephews in the PC schools and 3 others that have already graduated from them.

    Yes, they have changed since the 70's when I went to school there but the characterization on this thread is pretty extreme. The members of my family involved in those schools still like them and all have received good educations and gone on to do well in college.

    I happen to know Coach/Athletic Director Burtschi and he's a great guy and very highly respected. The entire PC High (I refuse to call it 'Original'!) athletic program is doing fantastic, with the football team coming off the best season in years, the boys basketball team #1 in the state and going for it's third state title in the last seven years, and the girls team looks a good bet to make the state tournament.

    I didn't see the incident but perhaps those of you casting such harsh judgment should also give the people at PC and this young lady credit for answering your concerns and doing it in a thoughtful way. Given the situation, I don't think you could ask for a better response.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    PC Schools are not the schools they used to be, in a round about way they are just as bad as OKC Public Schools. PC Schools are full of ghetto kids with ghetto parents.

    The school staff cannot do anything because anytime a ghetto kid gets in trouble the parents show up at school threatening to sue. The school officals cower and the kid gets away with murder.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chefdavies View Post
    I know when I have kids, they will go probably edmond schools (went to them myself), and if my child acts like that, I'll personally stop the game and pull him/her out of the game.

    Wow. You both should be ashamed of yourselves.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    I believe staff and the student is only sorry for being caught.
    The apologies were given in reaction, not proactively.
    I believe sportmanship is lacking in not only the "changed" school scape but professional, and on the college level.
    Another reason to vote no on march 4.
    We have a long road yet to travel to strenghten our city and our schools, but most importantly our families.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    give a look at this..
    its a baggage thing with the NBA.
    Sports Law Blog
    I am sure there's also other demographic information on, everything from abbots who get in trouble to zoologists. lol

  14. #14

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    GMwise, I agree with her apology. It seems in this day in age you can get away with murder (OJ), DUI (Paris), etc and as long as you give an apology your off the hook. Granted i've never seen this team play or the young lady in question, but here in lies the question. The annoucer said "she is a firey player." I think it was james allen ( i think). I wish I could somehow get ahold of the tape. All, in all I hope she is sorry, and hope it doesn't take away from the program. This problem is wide spread, and I'll be the first to admit i've "worked over an offical," I mean if your an OU fan and you didnt yell some nice 4 letter words at the Oregon replay offical your blowing smoke. Glad to see this matter was resolved.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    oneforone; if you want public schools to enforce discipline then go to the state legislature and tell them you want discipline back in schools. Right now the worst thing a school can do to a student is put them in in school suspension. If students are suspended out of school they are taken off the rolls and grades given during that time do not count against the student, and when they return they are reinstated as if nothing happened. To blame schools for this is silly, it is not their fault that many parents today think the schools job is to babysit thier kids for the day!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    I'm a graduate of Putnam City High School as well as an Alumni of the P.C. Girls basketball team. I would like to address a few of the comments that were made. First and foremost, you wouldn't understand the actions of the athlete unless you were/are an athlete yourself. If you've played sports for years, very competitive in nature and under pressure you tend to do things that are completely out of character (i.e. poor judgment). No, I'm not excusing the actions of the player; however, I'm suggesting that we not generalize her actions to define the entire student body and the coaches. As stated earlier by Coach Burtschi, I'm sure her actions did not go unnoticed or unpunished. The foundation for my current success began at P.C. Originail...it was there that I established leadership skills, sportsmanship, citizenship, and discipline. The school continues to excel in academics and athletics and I'm proud to be an Alumni.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    The principal at PC High ('Original'), Don Wentroth, is -- in my opinion -- a horrible administrator. They spend half the time at PC covering up all the problems they have in their system. It used to be a quality school district - now it's only a good district, with quite a few poor administrators (like Wentroth). Wentroth has (shock!) even won awards, but I know of several incidents where he was terribly unethical and instead of doing the right thing, did what he thought he had to do to keep Putnam City out of the headlines. I lost respect for him and many in the district years ago.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    The principal at PC High ('Original'), Don Wentroth, is -- in my opinion -- a horrible administrator. They spend half the time at PC covering up all the problems they have in their system. It used to be a quality school district - now it's only a good district, with quite a few poor administrators (like Wentroth). Wentroth has (shock!) even won awards, but I know of several incidents where he was terribly unethical and instead of doing the right thing, did what he thought he had to do to keep Putnam City out of the headlines. I lost respect for him and many in the district years ago.
    MY daughters went through the PC system. Coronodo, Cenrtal and PCO.
    We had zero problems with Aministration, etc. It was a great experience for them and they both achieved a great deal. They learned diversity and tolerance. I can't speak to the current Asministration since they have both been out of that system for 3 years now. IMHO, A.D. is a fantastic man and quality person.

    There were issues at the school similar to all schools: some drug activity, fights etc. With a combined effort between involved parents, willing kids and supportive admin., a child can achieve and learn at a high level in that system. I do believe it takes a cooperative effort in any school system to get this done.

    When I compare my daughters' experience to the one I had in the OKC schools in the early 70's it's like night and day. We had just started the busing plan my first day at N.W. Classen and the first 3 years were total chaos. I worried more about getting hurt at school than trying to learn anything. Gang fights, muggings, drugs and apathy by school Admin. Finally, my senior year the kids themselves (black and white) started holding Unity Counsel meetings at the school. We set up tables and discussed the issues that made our lives miserable. The fear faded and we started to learn the facts about each other and why we felt the way we did. The end result was a vehicle that allowed conversation and understanding between the kids. Friendships formed and problems were resolved through the Council instead of with fists and poor behaviour.

    My sister entered NWC the year after I graduated and I was surprised at how (color blind) the school had become while she was there. It improved greatly.

    I know the same problems exist there as with any school system. The formula to solve them has been established. Involved parents, willing kids and an Administration that is open to discuss the problems.

    I have two more quick stories about my experience with schools.:

    1. My oldest daughter teaches Senior English at Owasso High. White suberbia. She was very excited her first year and put an incredible amount of time and effort, and a good deal of my money, into trying to set-up the best room and environment for those kids. After about three weeks she called me completely heart-broken. She told me that about one-third of her class didn't complete assignments and just tuned out of the class. She called each kid in for a consultation and this is the gist of each one: Ms.-_____, I just need a D in this class so I can graduate, my Dad owns a concrete finishing business (insert any other type of business here) and I'm going to work for him. He doesn't care, so just pass me so I can get out of here. She called the parents in and every one of them confirmed the situation.

    After the initial shock, she decided to focus on the kids who wanted to learn and her experience has produced great results. She works very hard to help the kids who try and need a helping hand. She puts in many hours of out of class teaching for those kids. It takes a coooperative effort to make a public school work.

    2. I graduated NWC in 1974. I have never been back to the school except for one time three years ago. I was driving down May and started thinking about what NWC was like today. It was about an hour before school let out and I pulled into the school and decided to try and visit with the Admin. After passing through security, I was taken to the Principles office and sat down with him and shared my experience with the school and we discussed the issues currently facing the school. The make-up of the student body has changed dramatically. Mostly hispanic, black and vietnamese. The principle ( name forgotten) was very excited that I showed interst in the school. He was proud to show me around the facility and we shared stories, past and present. I was amazed that the physical aspect of the school had not changed much at all. As we walked the halls, I saw a classroom and told him that this was my English class. He said, did you have Ms.______ as your teacher then? I said yes, she was my favorite teacher. He said, well let's wait a few minutes untill class let's out and you can talk to her because she is still here. I was excited and looked through the slim glass in the door and there she was. She looked up and stared at me for a few seconds and then a big smile appeared on her face. She recognized me after all those years!!! We had a happy reunion and then she told me to look at the desks in the room. They were the same ones we used in the early seventies. She showed me the book stalls where she had to keep the books. They were so old that they were duct taped together. There was such a shortage of books that the kids could not take them home and had to check them out for special assignments.

    Sorry for the long post.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Dustbowl, you almost got me thinking it's time to drive back to the home town for a visit(although I'm more likely to find classmates in admin and teacher roles than former teachers)

    Kinda puts a fresh spin on Bon Jovi for me too

    It doesn't matter where you are, it doesn't matter where you go
    If it's a million miles aways or just a mile up the road
    Take it in, take it with you when you go,
    who says you can't go home

    Thanks for a trip down memory lane, even if they aren't shared memories

  20. #20

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Dustbowl, you almost got me thinking it's time to drive back to the home town for a visit(although I'm more likely to find classmates in admin and teacher roles than former teachers)

    Kinda puts a fresh spin on Bon Jovi for me too

    It doesn't matter where you are, it doesn't matter where you go
    If it's a million miles aways or just a mile up the road
    Take it in, take it with you when you go,
    who says you can't go home

    Thanks for a trip down memory lane, even if they aren't shared memories
    You're welcome. My pleasure. I'm a sentimental sap and will post more OKC memories from the past unless they ban me!!!


  21. Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    I went to NWC last year for part ofmy freshman year. None of it is in bad condition to me. The school furniture (desks, books, etc.) are just fine, there are enough books for every student. We have brand new computers in the library and in all the classrooms.

    I'm at Southeast now, which is so much nicer than almost any hs in OKC, but NWC wasn't bad. But I think when people say that are so scared of getting mugged or jumped that they can't concentrate is just plain stupid. Its definitely not a problem at S.E. (granted S.E. is a specialty school) and it wasn't a problem at NWC, which is public. I just don't understand that...=/

  22. #22

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Quote Originally Posted by Architect2010 View Post
    I went to NWC last year for part ofmy freshman year. None of it is in bad condition to me. The school furniture (desks, books, etc.) are just fine, there are enough books for every student. We have brand new computers in the library and in all the classrooms.

    I'm at Southeast now, which is so much nicer than almost any hs in OKC, but NWC wasn't bad. But I think when people say that are so scared of getting mugged or jumped that they can't concentrate is just plain stupid. Its definitely not a problem at S.E. (granted S.E. is a specialty school) and it wasn't a problem at NWC, which is public. I just don't understand that...=/
    Hopefully things have changed in the last three years since I made my visit. That is great news. Please remember that I attended that school in the early seventies and believe me, it was chaos. Let me give you some context to my comments. OKC in the early seventies was a much different place than now. There wasn't much in the way of ethnic diversity in schools or neighborhoods. The town was still very much segragated. The Federal courts imposed a plan of integration of the schools by requiring forced integration. Basically, they thought by busing kids from black neighborhoods to white neighborhoods and vice versa for integrating the schools, that the problem was solved. There was very little in the way of preparing parents or students for this event. The result was anger, fear and chaos.
    The incidence of violence in the schools was overwhelming. The tension was very thick and there were fights and constant rumors and plans for major gang-type fights happening almost daily. The pinnacle of the violence happened when a white student was stabbed by a black student in "Red Hall". That was the Industrial Arts area of the school. It was pandemonium and the anger and fear escalated. At this point, the Admin finally got a clue and brought in a new Principle by the name of June Dawkins. He worked on this issue and deserves a great thanks for his leadership. He was tough, but fair to all involved. A new law and order attitude developed and the situation calmed down with time. The students actually grew tired of the situation and we began the Unity Counsel meetings I described earlier.
    To sum up, all of us at the time were ignorant regarding racism, no matter how benign. To be fair, none of us expected such a rude awakening to the problem caused by the forced busing and rise in violence. In the end, we faced our fear and used words and ideas to unite for our common cause. I hope things have changed for the KNIGHTS and I wish my old school well. As bad as it was sometimes, I'm still proud of the students (black and white)who came together to face our ignorance and bias. NWC has many notable graduates: Vince Gill, the Color Me Bad music group, Cliff Hudson (Chairman of Sonic), Kirk Humphreys (Mayor of OKC), Sean O'Grady (boxer and one time lightweight champion) and of course me (world class smart ass) . I'm sure I'm leaving others out.
    Good luck KNIGHTS!!! I still look in the paper every Saturday morning during football season hoping to see a W in the column.

  23. Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Oh no doubt that must have been horrible. I understand what you are saying. I remember in Webster there was a huge riot, Mexicans and blacks and it was horrible...But I wasn't directing anything towards you, I just used your comment as an example of what I hear adults, that know nothing about OKC PS's, say all the time and it just makes me so mad.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    Quote Originally Posted by Architect2010 View Post
    Oh no doubt that must have been horrible. I understand what you are saying. I remember in Webster there was a huge riot, Mexicans and blacks and it was horrible...But I wasn't directing anything towards you, I just used your comment as an example of what I hear adults, that know nothing about OKC PS's, say all the time and it just makes me so mad.
    I didn't think you were directing anything my way. I was trying to give you some background regarding why I made my comments.


  25. #25

    Default Re: Terrible sportsmanship

    The problem with p.c. district is they still have old idiots like Mike Fry who won't retire even thought he's 20 years past his prime. He is or was the ass. superintendant of operations. The district is run by rejects, problem principals who have nowhere else to go and just hang on til the fat retirement checks start coming in.

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