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Thread: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

  1. #26

    Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    For the Next Go Bond. These should be considered

    1. Roundabout at SW 4th St - S Markwell/ Wilson Blvd Intersection. - Confusing Intersection

    2. SE 34th St Widening from OKC City Limits to S Bryant Rd including Intersection improvements at S Sooner Rd, S Sunnylane Rd and S Bryant Rd - Increased Development and Dangerous Intersection at Sooner Rd

    3. NW 27th St Paving from N Janeway Ave to N Santa Fe Ave - Wear and Tear

    4. NE 27th St Widening from N Eastern Ave to North Bryant Ave - Increased Development

  2. #27

    Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd


    Widening of Sunnylane from SE 34th St, south to the Norman city line, or all the way to Tecumseh.
    Widening of 19th st from Eastern east to Sooner Rd.
    On Ramp to I-35 south, from 4th St.

  3. Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    Repaving or resurfacing 12th from 35 to Eastern. it's awful.

    They repaved 27th from Eastern to Bryant, but that was really a missed opportunity to make that 4 lanes...the traffic needs it.
    I'd like to see Bryant actually changed to 4 lanes the length of Moore too. That eastern traffic just keeps going up and up.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    Anyone know the projected start date for Broadway and Easter roundabout project and Broadway Ave widening?

  5. #30

    Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    Quote Originally Posted by TornadoKegan View Post
    For the Next Go Bond. These should be considered

    1. Roundabout at SW 4th St - S Markwell/ Wilson Blvd Intersection. - Confusing Intersection

    2. SE 34th St Widening from OKC City Limits to S Bryant Rd including Intersection improvements at S Sooner Rd, S Sunnylane Rd and S Bryant Rd - Increased Development and Dangerous Intersection at Sooner Rd

    3. NW 27th St Paving from N Janeway Ave to N Santa Fe Ave - Wear and Tear

    4. NE 27th St Widening from N Eastern Ave to North Bryant Ave - Increased Development
    The city had a study done a few years ago that graded the state of the streets and the final report was intended to assist the city council with upcoming needs in regard to repair of (existing) roadways. When I reached out to the city (a year or so ago) I was told the report was done and the council was going to be briefed on it but I haven't seen that at any of the council meetings so it must have been done outside of those. That said, the worst of the places you mentioned are surely on their list.

    The intersection you bring up at 4th/Markwell is dumb, almost as dumb as the one at 5th/telephone/I35W service road. As much as I'd love to see those addressed, I'm not sure those score highly enough on the priority to see anything anytime soon.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post

    Widening of Sunnylane from SE 34th St, south to the Norman city line, or all the way to Tecumseh.
    Widening of 19th st from Eastern east to Sooner Rd.
    On Ramp to I-35 south, from 4th St.
    The bridge over Little River (just south of the elementary school) was discussed last year, summer perhaps. It will be replaced with a four-lane bridge, but it was noted that there were no immediate plans to widen that section anytime soon. Maybe when we actually get to that project more information about that happening comes to fruition.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Anyone know the projected start date for Broadway and Easter roundabout project and Broadway Ave widening?
    Here's the WAG timeline that was provided at the townhalls prior to the vote for the street bond. Personally, I'm not using it for much more than an intended length of time once they get started and a preferred priority order...of course every time a single project runs over (like Eastern did) it has a domino effect and often times can reset the priority order. I am curious if the city keeps a more updated one somewhere for their own reference...

  8. #33

    Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Anyone know the projected start date for Broadway and Easter roundabout project and Broadway Ave widening?
    I have a proposed timeline of all of the street bond projects, it was provided at the townhalls prior to the vote but a URL doesn't exist for it and the attach feature doesn't appear to be working for me..

  9. #34

    Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    I saw some survey stakes the other day along Eastern, Broadway/19th. They must be moving forward. I would expect utility relocations to begin sometime this year.

  10. Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    The Moore Monthly this month had a sort of "article" that included there about it. They're supposed to start digging in the next couple of months. I think they said it was going to take over a year. It's definitely going to be nasty and the other roads are going to definitely see an increase (like 12th) while it gets done.

    Man i wish they had done 12 first.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    Spoke with the city manager on Monday, sounds like those proposals for work starting east of I35 were there by condition that the underpass didn’t start since BNSF has been dragging the city along for years now. Considering construction should begin in the next month or so on the underpass it sounds as if any other construction east of 35 will not take place until after the underpass is done, outside of small/quick repairs of course. I’m sure they’ll press on with utility movements since those take so much time and are so up in the air these days but past that it sounds like the focus east of 35 will be solely on the underpass until it’s done.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Moore Bond for Telephone Rd

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I saw some survey stakes the other day along Eastern, Broadway/19th. They must be moving forward. I would expect utility relocations to begin sometime this year.
    Those have been there for a while now, a couple months I’d guess. Haven’t seen any other activity outside of that though.

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