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Thread: IHOP-Applebees combo

  1. #1

    Default IHOP-Applebees combo

  2. #2

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Odd concept. Seems like trying to mix oil and water.

  3. #3

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Odd concept. Seems like trying to mix oil and water.
    This is about as innovative as Long John Silver's & A&W.

  4. #4

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by floyd the barber View Post
    This is about as innovative as Long John Silver's & A&W.
    Or Taco Bell and KFC

  5. #5

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    Or Taco Bell and KFC
    Are there any of those two in the same building like LJS and A&W? I don't think I've seen any. I've never thought the LJS and A&W is that odd. The Applebees and IHOP is combining a restaurant that has a bar and serves alcohol with a restaurant that doesn't and is known for breakfast food. And I'm aware they have non breakfast food also. But when the word pancakes in in your name.... And an odd city to test the concept in too.

  6. #6

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Are there any of those two in the same building like LJS and A&W? I don't think I've seen any. I've never thought the LJS and A&W is that odd. The Applebees and IHOP is combining a restaurant that has a bar and serves alcohol with a restaurant that doesn't and is known for breakfast food. And I'm aware they have non breakfast food also. But when the word pancakes in in your name.... And an odd city to test the concept in too.
    Douglas and 29th in MWC has an LJS and A&W, in the same building.

  7. #7

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    There's also one at NW 122nd/Penn.

  8. #8

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Not yet. Planning for sometime in 2025. Their thinking here is get the public to IHOP in for breakfast/lunch, and Applebees for lunch/dinner/late night.

  9. #9

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by bison34 View Post
    Douglas and 29th in MWC has an LJS and A&W, in the same building.
    I know they are. I was asking about the KFC and Taco Bell post. See what I quoted.

    <Are there any of those two in the same building like LJS and A&W?>

  10. #10

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Seems like a good experiment to me. The hot new trend in breakfast food was bar service and making it a “snotty breakfast” place. That has matured to where it can go to the unhip, smaller cities where Applebees and IHOP are a solid part of the community. Maybe they will just call the breakfast part “Hop”, since the other trademark of the “snotty breakfast” places is a single word, like Hatch, or Syrup.

  11. #11

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Back in the day we used to go close down bars then go to Pancake House, Denny's, etc. for a 2:00AM breakfast. This way you could do that and not drive.

  12. #12

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    I know they are. I was asking about the KFC and Taco Bell post. See what I quoted.

    <Are there any of those two in the same building like LJS and A&W?>
    There's a combination KFC Taco Bell in Newcastle.

  13. #13

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Doesn't seem that crazy, its not like they are mixing fast food Tex-Mex with Southern comfort food or fried sea food with fast food burgers. At some point they will probably just rebrand everything once they successfully tie the two concepts together. They need the brand recognition though.

  14. #14

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Are there any of those two in the same building like LJS and A&W? I don't think I've seen any. I've never thought the LJS and A&W is that odd. The Applebees and IHOP is combining a restaurant that has a bar and serves alcohol with a restaurant that doesn't and is known for breakfast food. And I'm aware they have non breakfast food also. But when the word pancakes in in your name.... And an odd city to test the concept in too.
    sw 29th and May had a TB/KFC combo. They have since remodeled again where it is just a KFC

  15. #15

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    sw 29th and May had a TB/KFC combo. They have since remodeled again where it is just a KFC
    The KFC/Taco Bell/LJS/A&W Combos are everywhere and make sense for the audience they serve. Why build two locations when one under the same parent company (Yum Brands/Pepsi Co) will work.

    Also, there are a tons of these combo chains in small towns right off the interstate , so it gives somewhat of a choice in a small footprint.

    As you mentioned the MWC location went back to just one kitchen, I do know that Edmond had a KFC/LJS at Danforth and Santa Fe and it has since converted back to a just a KFC.

    As for the IHOP/AppleBee's combo....I don't think that is what is going to really drive profits up. The menus (outside of the breakfast items) seem redundant to a certain degree. Are the iHOP and Applebee's Burger going to be that different, or the fries, or salads, or chicken fingers? I can see this saving money in running two locations in close proximity to each other under one roof, and a place where people just want some form of familiar food, for example a location like 122nd and I-35, that caters to interstate travelers, or smaller town like Stillwater that could combine the two.

    What really seems to be working well right now are places that focus on simple menus and making it consistent. (Raising Cane's, Chick-Fil-A, Salad and Go, Shake Shack, Tropical Cafe, etc). From my memory, Applebee's and iHOP both have deep menus for food options.

    Now, just waiting for Olive Garden and Red Lobster to be under one roof so you can get cheddar bay biscuits and endless breadsticks at the same meal.

  16. #16

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Well then, as long as the Waffle House stays independent and does not partner with anyone else, I'll be ok.

  17. Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Are there any of those two in the same building like LJS and A&W? I don't think I've seen any..
    There was one in Pauls Valley for quite a few years that also still had the KFC Buffet.... It closed during covid and is now an El Tapatio.

    I think the combos are a decent concept for small towns/cities.

  18. #18

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger S View Post
    I think the combos are a decent concept for small towns/cities.
    Agreed. I think the McDonalds/c-store combos work well in the smaller towns also.

    Don't think though putting a Taco Bell at SW 29th and May though was great idea. Heavily hispanic area with a lot of great options for better food. Guessing that is why the Taco Bueno didn't make it down the street either. Probably why there aren't any Billy Sims in Kansas City, Tennessee or Texas. LOL

  19. #19

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    There used to be a KFC/Rib Crib along I-44 in Marshfield, MO.

  20. #20

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    What was the other half of the KFC/? on N May at 54th or close?

  21. #21

    Default Re: IHOP-Applebees combo

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    What was the other half of the KFC/? on N May at 54th or close?
    November 2007 Street View shows it was Long John Silver's.

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