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Thread: Whittier School (1900 NW 10th St)

  1. #1

    Northwest OKC Whittier School (1900 NW 10th St)

    Feel free to delete if it is still too preliminary as there are still no official design plans filed, but I saw on the upcoming Planning Commission meeting agenda that there are plans to preserve and adapt the vacant Whittier School at 1900 NW 10th St. into apartments with potential additional buildings. The design work is being led by Barrett L. Williamson Architects (who did the OKC Farmer's Market Building) and Preservation & Design Studio (who did Midtown Plaza Court, Villa Theresa, Milk Bottle Building, Packard Building... the list goes on). I imagine this has the potential to be the start of some investment into Metro Park and fully connecting the 10th St. corridor with the Plaza District.

    Photos from inside the building: https://www.panddstudio.com/whittier-school

    Built in 1910, this three-story, brick, late Gothic Revival building is located in Oklahoma City's Metro Park neighborhood. Whittier operated primarily as an elementary school from 1910 to 1957. During the late 1930s and early 1940s, Whittier served as Oklahoma City's first public pre-school program sponsored by the federal Works Progress Administration (WPA). Students were usually children of mothers working on WPA-sponsored projects and were between the ages of two and five. After the closure of Whittier School in 1957, the school board leased the building and surrounding site to various entities including early programs for the Oklahoma City campus of Oklahoma State University. It has remained vacant since 2006.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Whittier School (1900 NW 10th St)

    Man that would be great if we could get something like what they did with Page Woodson.
    It is a cool building but is certainly a blight on the area as it currently exists.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Whittier School (1900 NW 10th St)

    Drove by this last night and it looks like the west side of the building had a fire started with a descent amount of damage done. I hope someone can buy this from the current owner and get it taken care of, otherwise, it will end up being torn down.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Whittier School (1900 NW 10th St)

    I believe it's a historic building, will the fire make it easier to be demolished? ;-)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Whittier School (1900 NW 10th St)

    It is currently on the 3/5 sheriff sale. Estimated value 350,000.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Whittier School (1900 NW 10th St)

    Quote Originally Posted by Canoe View Post
    It is currently on the 3/5 sheriff sale. Estimated value 350,000.

    Good find. It was purchased for $699,000 back in 2019. Market value on county is around $860,000.

    Also going to sheriff sale is a property along the south side of the boulevard east of the lumberyard. Will be interesting to see what happens at both of these.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Whittier School (1900 NW 10th St)

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