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Thread: New Downtown Arena

  1. #3826

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    I would like to see an overhead people crossing (probably a couple of them), something similar to Las Vegas that connects across the street from the new arena. This would alleviate the closure of Reno during the game and the massing of people at the intersections waiting for the traffic to be stopped by the cross walk guards. (police)

  2. #3827

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Something we should all agree on - when the arena opens, there should be a Westbrook statue outside the entrance.


  3. #3828

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by HFAA Alum View Post
    In speaking of big value, I may have an idea for the development and how it could better integrate with the parks and interactive nature of the surrounding places, not to mention increase tourism for the city in general. I've been taking a moment to ponder the possibilities of how to utilize the Paycom site. The first would be to take some of the site and turn it over to the mixed development Boulevard Place, it increases the size of commercial possibilities so that more venders can lease space, and increase the footprint for residential, even with the current height limitations invoked.

    My second idea is more of an apple-pie-in-the-sky approach, but would be a huge drive for tourism. It utilizes the aquarium plan, provided we're using the same developers for the one in Atlanta. Granted it won't be as big, but I believe that it would probably be just as profitable.
    Attachment 18526

    To give a further explanation of what's going on, I'll highlight some things. The block that houses the Paycom would be demolished and transformed into a mixed commercial parking structure that would encompass both facilities, the new arena and the aquarium. Some of the aquarium grounds would be located on the block as well, but also over Reno Avenue (currently Thunder Drive), that area will mainly consist of a large skybridge structure housing things like a food court, gift shops, arcades, displays of smaller marine life, etc, The four-block superstructure will be the bulk of the aquarium itself, housing a lot of the displays for the larger marine animals, this also will make room for the number of aquatic tunnels that are so often seen in the Atlanta development, giving the viewer an endless view of marine life taking place throughout the exhibit. And of course, there will be a skylight to reinforce the necessity for natural light to enhance the experience. The tunnel for Reno Drive will also house a virtual display along the walls, advertising both the aquarium and the home team Thunder. The space can also be used for advertising of local businesses and developments, while also being a pretty lively place to drive through at night coming to and from Thunder games. Granted, this would probably be a $2.3 billion project, taking into account the currently estimated $1 billion in funding allocated for the arena. But it will be a great interaction to have this aquatic space between the forest of the Myriad and the open air venture of Scissortail Park.
    The aquarium is going to the OKANA development, that has already been established.

  4. #3829

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderbolt View Post
    Something we should all agree on - when the arena opens, there should be a Westbrook statue outside the entrance.

    Put me in the minority. I just don't see the fascination with Westbrook. I say give him and KD a banner for their MVP years then I'd keep it moving.

  5. #3830

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderbolt View Post
    Something we should all agree on - when the arena opens, there should be a Westbrook statue outside the entrance.


    Westbrook will be old news in 2029.

  6. Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderbolt View Post
    Something we should all agree on - when the arena opens, there should be a Westbrook statue outside the entrance.

    nah. that ain't a big league city move, my guy.

  7. #3832

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    I would like to see an overhead people crossing (probably a couple of them), something similar to Las Vegas that connects across the street from the new arena. This would alleviate the closure of Reno during the game and the massing of people at the intersections waiting for the traffic to be stopped by the cross walk guards. (police)
    I agree. OKC definitely needs way more sky bridges downtown.

  8. #3833

    Thunder Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by kevin lee View Post
    Put me in the minority. I just don't see the fascination with Westbrook. I say give him and KD a banner for their MVP years then I'd keep it moving.
    Agree, first retire Westbrook's '0' jersey; then, put statues up for Collison and Westbrook while they are alive (Special Dual Ceremony).

    We need an Oklahoma City NBA Hall of Fame Park on the premises of the new Oklahoma City arena.

    Move the current 1989 OLYMPIC FESTIVAL STATUE as the center piece of the new arena's Hall of Fame Park.

    Oklahoma City, BIG LEAGUE CITY

  9. Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Russell will be a first ballot hall of fame inductee. He put this team on his back when someone else tried to put an end to everything they’d accomplished in coming here. He also set some NBA records here that will likely never be broken. Legendary stuff. Russ gets a statue and a jersey in the rafters, 100%.

    Also, **** that other guy.

  10. #3835

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Russell will be a first ballot hall of fame inductee. He put this team on his back when someone else tried to put an end to everything they’d accomplished in coming here. He also set some NBA records here that will likely never be broken. Legendary stuff. Russ gets a statue and a jersey in the rafters, 100%.

    Also, **** that other guy.
    I have zero hard feelings toward Kevin Durant. He was the first man who showed us this is what happens in a “Big League City”. Thankfully, Thunder leadership had a classier response than when Lebron took his talents to the Miami Heat.

    KD did great things in OKC. His team didn’t win a ring. Happens to 29 teams a year.

  11. #3836
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    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by April in the Plaza View Post
    nah. that ain't a big league city move, my guy.
    Yes, it would be. He’s a sure hall of famer and was incredibly loyal to the city. Highlighting big league hall of famers/all time greats is a big league thing to do.

  12. #3837

    Thunder Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    I have zero hard feelings toward Kevin Durant. He was the first man who showed us this is what happens in a “Big League City”. Thankfully, Thunder leadership had a classier response than when Lebron took his talents to the Miami Heat.

    KD did great things in OKC. His team didn’t win a ring. Happens to 29 teams a year.
    The 'sting' of Durant's betrayal where he followed Draymond Green to GSW is something I will forgive him because he
    suffered immensely for his betrayal. He's with Phoenix, I know he can't forget how he turned his back on OKC whenever he plays in Paycom Center.

    How long it will take many of us to wash Durant's dandruff out of our hair, depends on each individual. We, OKC are bigger than that. Oklahoma City's future is bright for our State's only major league franchise:

    A new $900 million state-of-the-art venue for NBA, concerts, collegiate basketball, gymnastics and wrestling awaits the arena's opening.

    As an OKC resident, I'll forever cherish the memories of our very first major league franchise. The pride it brought us to witness the 30-year transformation of our city's 'quality of life.'

    And the series 'Saving Grace' (Holly Hunter) that aired while our NBA team flourished, where they talked about the Thunder in the series, would love to see the series continued.

    Thank you, All College Tournament--potential return to our city.
    Thank you, WCWS for showcasing our city.
    Thank you, Larry Nichols for the 844 ft., Devon Tower, State's tallest Skyscraper.
    Thank you, Tulsa, Wichita, Lawton, Fort Sill, Fort Smith & Oklahoma for your support of the Thunder.
    Thank you, ownership group, OKC voters for continuing the momentum to invest in ourselves.



  13. #3838

    Thunder Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by chssooner View Post
    A new arena doesn't break a contract. That is common law. No need for a link. The agreement is with the THUNDER, not the arena. As long as the Thunder are a thing, there is no need for a link stating the agreement will continue.

  14. Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    I would def like to see the same outcome for Okc after the arena is built.


  15. #3840

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    I know we're early in the process, but any idea when we get to see what they have planned? I can't wait to see the renderings! Also, call me ignorant, but how many more seats will the new arena have than Paycom Center?

  16. Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisHayes View Post
    I know we're early in the process, but any idea when we get to see what they have planned? I can't wait to see the renderings! Also, call me ignorant, but how many more seats will the new arena have than Paycom Center?
    I wouldn’t expect any time soon. They didn’t even fully nail down the budget and funding until after the vote was taken so there hasn’t been a lot of time to work on them. Renderings themselves take a lot of time and money, especially for an arena. I’m eager to see them as soon as possible though!

  17. Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisHayes View Post
    I know we're early in the process, but any idea when we get to see what they have planned? I can't wait to see the renderings! Also, call me ignorant, but how many more seats will the new arena have than Paycom Center?
    Detailed renderings are more than a year away; possibly as much as two. That said I wouldn’t be surprised to see a high-level conceptual sometime this year. The site has to be formally selected first, although from what I understand it is indeed becoming a foregone conclusion that it will be the Myriad/Cox/PSM site, which would be a relief to me, personally. There will also need to be a selection process for the A&E firm of record.

    Quite a bit of coordination will be required between the City of OKC and the Thunder, in order to make sure each party gets what they respectively need and most desire out of the project. There will also be one or more master consultants retained by the parties in order to help them navigate through the process. It’s possible that they could share such a consultant, but the City may want to have its own in order to protect its own interests. All of this takes time.

    Regarding the seating, there will likely be very little change to the raw number of seats in the arena. It’s still likely to remain around 19K or just below. Again, the additional square footage is to accommodate not more butts in seats but rather a more comfortable and in many places more luxurious experience for those in attendance, with more revenue flowing to the team via those new premium experiences. More square footage also allows for reconfigurations down the road as new revenue opportunities emerge for teams in general. The new space will be much easier to flex.

  18. #3843

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    LA Clippers New Home - Intuit Dome

    The $1.2B future home of the LA Clippers — the Intuit Dome — will have:

    • Power at every seat
    • An ACRE scoreboard
    • Double the toilets of any NBA arena
    • "The Wall" — no suites, just 51 rows and dedicated fans section

    It's nearing completion — and is set to open next year.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  19. Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    I'm both surprised and not surprised at the no suites thing. They have a huge population base there so they can't charge a lot more for seats and get away with it. I dont think we could do that in OKC though. I think we're going to need those boxes to get the higher dollars from those corporate folks.

    But that is definitely a very cool design!

  20. #3845

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    I'm both surprised and not surprised at the no suites thing. They have a huge population base there so they can't charge a lot more for seats and get away with it. I dont think we could do that in OKC though. I think we're going to need those boxes to get the higher dollars from those corporate folks.

    But that is definitely a very cool design!
    The arena still has suites - 51 of them - but none on "The Wall," which is what they are calling one of the "ends" of the arena. That section is being marketed as a die-hard Clipper fan experience - more of a college basketball student section setting.

  21. #3846

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Intuit Dome is very very impressive. I imagine the Thunder/OKC use a lot of what they did out there as an inspiration

  22. #3847

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by AnguisHerba View Post
    The arena still has suites - 51 of them - but none on "The Wall," which is what they are calling one of the "ends" of the arena. That section is being marketed as a die-hard Clipper fan experience - more of a college basketball student section setting.
    It's a pretty innovative/cool idea. Here is a shot of "the wall"

  23. #3848

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    That's a huge scoreboard!

  24. #3849

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    That's a huge scoreboard!
    I've heard that its not so much the size, but the circumference that's important

  25. #3850

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Maybe I'm old school, but I actually don't love too big of scoreboards. To me, they just detract from the in-person experience when they take up too much visual space and focus. I don't like, for example, when my eyes start drifting to the scoreboard and away from the court. The scoreboard the Thunder has now is fine IMHO.

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