Final prediction: 66/34 for Yes
Final prediction: 66/34 for Yes
The “vote no” campaign has sent me numerous text messages with either false information or typos. Really well run group over there. Oh, I can’t even vote on this because of my address.
Keep it up!
I don’t think GoPokes (who might be a woman for all you know), literally is threatening to stick JoBeth in a locker, regardless of whether it’s warranted.
And I don’t think that comment had anything to do with her being a woman. If Ed Shadid were still promoting the same message, the same things would’ve been said about him.
People threating to move, companies not being able to recruit, OKC's economy going down the drain if Thunder leave. If that's not the definition of overdependence I don't know what is.
The problem is there is a non-zero chance that happen anyway a decade or two after a new arena gets built. Buying a new arena for the Thunder may not always be good enough.
We need a educated and happy workforce and the NBA is just the icing on top.
I was just throwing that number out there. Point is: we need to continue to bridge the gap between being successful because of having an NBA team and being successful because we have an educated workforce. That will be what increases the chances they stay for years to come. If we can keep building out our market and making it more economically favorable to stay.
Yes, my mother in law got out of one: "For the right price".
Not sure why people feel the need to speak in absolutes when arguing their position. Just say it probably won't happen, but its possible.
That's the whole point of the game: hedging your bets.
Maybe we all get extremely unlucky and Governor Stitt upsets Elon Musk somehow and he decides to make an offer to the owners that they can't refuse and renames the Thunder the X team. Crazy Scenario, but so was him buying twitter .
I voted at 8:15 this morning and was the 16 voter in my polling place.
I agree with you. I had an attorney explain it to me as...
In the civil court system in the US, the remedy is money. Compelling physical activity is all but impossible without police involvement, which requires the criminal justice system.
I think that is the real reason "we" got the Seattle Key Arean lease settled with the city. Even with a "specific performance" contract, if the violator simply says "we ain't doing it", then the end remedy will be a financial reimbursement of damages.
Voted yes midmorning at my polling place, was vote number 29.
Really feeling like if this thing loses it'll be in spite of the No campaign not because of it.
Just voted yes in far northwest OKC. I asked the poll worker if the turnout had been good. He nodded and said "Steady stream throughout the day."
Just voted NO. These billionaires can build their own arena. It would be a money making venture for them, so why not just build it themselves without having to have input or funding from the city?
About what time do we think we'll hear results? Is there anywhere to track the results as they come in?
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