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Thread: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

  1. #76

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    And as I've pointed out that simply isn't possible in the US in the foreseeable future. Our gun culture is completely different than anywhere else in the world. Much like many of our customs. Come up with something else that will work.
    This... Polisci this...

    Maybe we could consider the ways our society has changed in tandem with the escalation of mass shootings. But that sort of work would be hard, much harder than getting the federal government to pass a law and then move on to the next hot topic of the moment.
    Last edited by Martin; 11-22-2022 at 06:07 PM. Reason: removed personal attack

  2. #77

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Believe it on not we just had an issue defending my need to be armed. Our Ring door bell rang and I didn't know the guy at the door. He rang it three times. Then he started BANGING on our glass storm door screaming that we had to answer the door. So I answered with my Glock pointing at his chest. He ran as fast as he could go. I'm sure many will question this story being true but as God as my witness it happened!

  3. #78

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Smart guns would be a viable way to start the process of keeping guns out of the hands of the wrong folks.

  4. #79

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Did the politics board re-open?

  5. #80

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Why do you consider this a political issue?

  6. #81

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Actually thought for the most part we’ve done a decent job avoiding the politics on this one so far.

  7. #82

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Just reported a mass shooting inside a Walmart near Chesapeake Virginia.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    And this goes on and on. It seems like another copycat massacre due to some "looney tune" seeing all the attention from the media. There are many other valid points also.

  9. #84

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    What are usually called assault weapons like AK47s and AR15s and/or clones are readily available at most any store that sells guns.
    where can i buy an ak 47 ?? that would be great ...

    an assualt weapon can fire fully automatic . .. and ususally a 3 round burst ..

    an ar15 is a sporting rifle ... people just don't like how it looks ....

  10. #85

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    I cannot imagine that Gen Z will allow the current setup to last very long once they find their way into cross generational influence and political power.

    I'd say those who believe that we should not create additional legislation at this time have about 10 years to start creating something that improves the issue before it cements Gen Z's views and about 20 years before the 2nd amendment's future is in question.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    where can i buy an ak 47 ?? that would be great ...

    an assualt weapon can fire fully automatic . .. and ususally a 3 round burst ..

    an ar15 is a sporting rifle ... people just don't like how it looks ....
    I did say "or clones". And most people think of those styles of rifles as assault rifles. Mainly because when news reports on mass shootings with those styles of rifle they call them assault rifles. Yes technically a rifle has to be selective fire to really be an assault rifle.

  12. #87

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    Yes technically a rifle has to be selective fire to really be an assault rifle.


  13. #88

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    where can i buy an ak 47 ?? that would be great ...

    an assualt weapon can fire fully automatic . .. and ususally a 3 round burst ..

    an ar15 is a sporting rifle ... people just don't like how it looks ....
    You’re just defining it however you want. But during the assault rifle ban the government had simple and clear definition of what constitutes an assault rifle. Pistol grip, collapsible stock, detachable magazines, threaded barrel.

    It’s clear and obvious that the ability to fire 30 or more rounds using a high velocity bullet from a light and easily handled rifle is why it’s the weapon of choice for those who want to kill many people quickly.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    YouÂ’re just defining it however you want. But during the assault rifle ban the government had simple and clear definition of what constitutes an assault rifle. Pistol grip, collapsible stock, detachable magazines, threaded barrel.

    ItÂ’s clear and obvious that the ability to fire 30 or more rounds using a high velocity bullet from a light and easily handled rifle is why itÂ’s the weapon of choice for those who want to kill many people quickly.
    the assult rifle was defined for decades and decades .... PR choices do not change the meaning of words ...

    the AR platform is not a Military weapon .. i was in the military ... again .. PR ... it is also not a particularly powerful weapon ..

  15. #90

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    PR? The federal government is who came up with this simple and clear definition.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    PR? The federal government is who came up with this simple and clear definition.
    congress ...... that is all about PR >>>>>......

    and again . it is not simple or clear ... and factually and historically inaccurate ..

  17. #92

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I did say "or clones". And most people think of those styles of rifles as assault rifles. Mainly because when news reports on mass shootings with those styles of rifle they call them assault rifles. Yes technically a rifle has to be selective fire to really be an assault rifle.
    The press knowingly reporting false information to juice the ratings? Imagine my shock.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    You’re just defining it however you want. But during the assault rifle ban the government had simple and clear definition of what constitutes an assault rifle. Pistol grip, collapsible stock, detachable magazines, threaded barrel.

    It’s clear and obvious that the ability to fire 30 or more rounds using a high velocity bullet from a light and easily handled rifle is why it’s the weapon of choice for those who want to kill many people quickly.
    Actually it's a US Army definition and BoulderSooner is technically correct.

    "The U.S. Army defines assault rifles as "short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges."

    The 1994 law banned "Semiautomatic assault weapons" so Congress did pretty much create that definition.

  19. #94

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I did say "or clones". And most people think of those styles of rifles as assault rifles. Mainly because when news reports on mass shootings with those styles of rifle they call them assault rifles. Yes technically a rifle has to be selective fire to really be an assault rifle.
    With the legislation banning bump stocks only being upheld this year it was simple to make a semi automatic AR-15 into an assault weapon.
    To learn about the AR-15 and tbe military version of the same weapon, the M-16, here is a link to the history of this weapon. The M-16 was directly based on the AR-15. Also the AR-15 was introduced in 1959 to the Air Force. To say the AR is not a military platform one must ignore history or be disingenous in their arguement.

    A nod to the poster who mentioned the assault weapon ban of 1994. This weapon was rightly banned.

  20. #95

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    My concern is the young age most of these shooters have been. At their young age why is there a disconnect about how sacred life is?? A more difficult question is how can we help a younger generation deal with their mental health struggles so their mass killing temptation can be curtailed?

  21. #96

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    With the legislation banning bump stocks only being upheld this year it was simple to make a semi automatic AR-15 into an assault weapon.
    To learn about the AR-15 and tbe military version of the same weapon, the M-16, here is a link to the history of this weapon. The M-16 was directly based on the AR-15. Also the AR-15 was introduced in 1959 to the Air Force. To say the AR is not a military platform one must ignore history or be disingenous in their arguement.

    A nod to the poster who mentioned the assault weapon ban of 1994. This weapon was rightly banned.
    Where in the quote you referenced did I say an AR isn't a military platform?
    And as to bump stocks I'm really, and pleasantly surprised the current shooters aren't using them. The designs were so readily available before being banned that I'm sure a determined person could get a design and lots of people have 3D printers.

  22. #97

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by bucktalk View Post
    My concern is the young age most of these shooters have been. At their young age why is there a disconnect about how sacred life is?? A more difficult question is how can we help a younger generation deal with their mental health struggles so their mass killing temptation can be curtailed?
    I agree completely.
    If that question could be answered we'd be a long way towards fixing the problem.
    If that question could be answered we'd be able to completely fix the problem.

  23. #98

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    Where in the quote you referenced did I say an AR isn't a military platform?
    And as to bump stocks I'm really, and pleasantly surprised the current shooters aren't using them. The designs were so readily available before being banned that I'm sure a determined person could get a design and lots of people have 3D printers.
    It is obvious that you did not say the AR-15 was not a military platform, the poster in # 89 did. Providing your quote was a point of refrence about semi-automatic weapons v. automatic weapons. My apologies if I offended you. I just didn't want to make a separate post when you and the same poster were defining "assualt" weapons and I wanted to clarify the AR-15.

  24. #99

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    It is obvious that you did not say the AR-15 was not a military platform, the poster in # 89 did. Providing your quote was a point of refrence about semi-automatic weapons v. automatic weapons. My apologies if I offended you.
    Ok. We're fine. I've just seemed to have a rash of posters telling me I'm wrong when they're misquoting me. So I'm a bit testy right now. The main offender is banned so need to get over it.

  25. #100

    Default Re: Mass Shootings & age of shooters

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Just reported a mass shooting inside a Walmart near Chesapeake Virginia.
    I just read the latest on this shooting. A manager walking into a routine employee meeting and opens fire. I'm in no way capable of doing such a horrible thing but next week I have to call a meeting with my people to address some changes that corporate is making and the Walmart shootings will be on my mind. It definitely sucks.

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