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Thread: Apple Store

  1. #1

    Default Apple Store

    The Apple store in Penn Square Mall has temporarily relocated while the existing space is expanded and receives a $2.5 million remodel, and in the process bring one of the first of Apple's new stores to Oklahoma City.

    Apple recently promoted Jony Ive to Chief Design Officer and the new stores are one of his first and most ambitious projects.

    Apple officially opened one of its first Ive-inspired "next-generation" retail stores this March in suburban Memphis and plans show the Penn Square location will get the same treatment.

    The Oklahoma City store moved to temporary space on the 2nd level of the mall in April while the ambitious renovation takes place.

    The new stores are described as having a high-flung ceiling lined with light panels and spotlights, which illuminate product display tables that have been arranged to maximize floor space and achieve a sense of openness.

    New wooden accessory display installations adorn the walls, and feature a headphone tryout area along with shelves for speakers, docks and other products.

    The storefront will feature huge floor-to-ceiling glass panels, and all will pivot 90 degrees to create almost complete openness.

    Perhaps the biggest change will be the massive video screen located at the rear of the store. Previous stores featured a service counter in this area but it has been removed completely, allowing for full viewing of the huge edge-to-edge display.

    In February 2015, The New Yorker ran a profile of Jony Ive which included details of the collaboration between Ive and retail chief Angela Ahrendts in coming up with the redesign, which is slowly being introduced in the company's latest stores.

    In December, 60 Minutes viewers got a peek at Apple's next-generation design when correspondent Charlie Rose spoke to Ahrendts in a mock store located in an unmarked warehouse off Apple's Cupertino headquarters.

    The new Oklahoma City Apple store should open in time for the holidays.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Now open (thanks to warreng88 for the photo):

  3. #3

  4. Default Re: Apple Store

    disappointing when local, OKC stories have to be covered by the nation's largest newspaper and not a mention on the local media. I wonder if this was by design (since it's union focused) or if the OKC media is truly that incompetent (aside from OKC Talk of course).
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Apple Store

    I know I have been harsh on the TV stations and the Oklahoman and I'm committed to being less so. My points have been made and I think everyone understands what I have been saying.

    So I don't mean this in a negative way, just sharing what I've learned about the way these organizations operate: There is very little original reporting. They all are mostly just lifting information from other media sources or waiting for press releases.

    The reason I typically post full press releases rather than lightly rewriting them in an attempt to make it look like reporting is this: I believe it's unethical, particularly if it's not mentioned you are merely repeating something in a release. And by posting the original release, I hope others will then look at what is presented as reporting and realize it really isn't (case in point: the press release I posted about the Dolese HQ vs. what was written in the Oklahoman).

    I'm over the shock of all this and am trying very hard to not be perpetually appalled, so I present all this merely as FYI.

    As much as I believe these practices are bad for OKC, I also realize these legacy organizations are never going to change, and that's not because of depleted newsrooms. These habits go back decades it's just that most of us never had any way of knowing that until relatively recently.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    disappointing when local, OKC stories have to be covered by the nation's largest newspaper and not a mention on the local media. I wonder if this was by design (since it's union focused) or if the OKC media is truly that incompetent (aside from OKC Talk of course).
    I doubt it has anything to do with unions and everything with how much local media has declined recently. OU football, which is probably the biggest story in the state, suspended a starting tackle on Wednesday and it still hasn't been reported in The Oklahoman.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    disappointing when local, OKC stories have to be covered by the nation's largest newspaper and not a mention on the local media. I wonder if this was by design (since it's union focused) or if the OKC media is truly that incompetent (aside from OKC Talk of course).
    NYP is a tabloid. And certainly not the largest paper in the United States. Whoever told you that should be slapped.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by catcherinthewry View Post
    I doubt it has anything to do with unions and everything with how much local media has declined recently. OU football, which is probably the biggest story in the state, suspended a starting tackle on Wednesday and it still hasn't been reported in The Oklahoman.
    It was an academic two game suspension so not that big of a story in my opinion. He gets his grade up he will be back. Also, Tyler Guyton may be as good as him anyways.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by KHutch66 View Post
    It was an academic two game suspension so not that big of a story in my opinion. He gets his grade up he will be back. Also, Tyler Guyton may be as good as him anyways.
    I'm not concerned about the suspension. I'm concerned about the lack of coverage. There was still no mention of it in Saturday's Oklahoman.

  10. Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    NYP is a tabloid. And certainly not the largest paper in the United States. Whoever told you that should be slapped.
    that;s even more of a slap on local media, a New York city 'tabloid' reports local stories better than the Oklahoman. ...
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Apple Store

    The national news hasn't really been covering the Apple unionization movement either. As soon as the pandemic eased and the labor market became a little bit more favorable to employers. The union movement within Apple lost steam.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Unions are forming at Starbucks, Apple and Google. Here’s why workers are organizing now
    PUBLISHED FRI, AUG 5 20229:00 AM EDT
    For decades, union membership has been on the decline. Yet in the last few months, workers have been organizing at a pace this country hasn’t seen since the Great Depression....

  13. #13

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Apple increasing anti union pressure in OKC.


  14. #14

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Not sure why anyone would want to work in retail long enough for a union to matter one way or the other.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by April in the Plaza View Post
    Not sure why anyone would want to work in retail long enough for a union to matter one way or the other.
    My sisters husband is a regional manager for Belk out in NC and dude makes over 6 figures with no degree and he started at the bottom but I'm sure he is the minority as far as retail goes

  16. #16

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by April in the Plaza View Post
    Not sure why anyone would want to work in retail long enough for a union to matter one way or the other.
    What a strange comment. So because someone is still working their way up in life, or are comfortable with what they do, they should not receive fair treatment from their employer or be allowed to organize with their coworkers as one entity?

    There are plenty of reasons people stay in lower jobs in the economy, and their reasons for doing so are no one's business but their own. Unions in the workplace drive positive changes that are good for people who are working their way up in the forms of higher pay and job security which can lead to less reliance on two jobs, better scheduling practices, etc. -- all of which foster an environment which someone will possibly be more successful while furthering their education.

    Besides, why is it such a sin for someone to just have a comfortable life? I have worked my "entry level" job for nearly 11 years now. I am eligible for several promotions, and I have been approached by managers in multiple departments for a promotion. I am happy with what I do. I have a great balance of flexibility, pay, and benefits. Why mess with a good thing? I am fine with my entry-level job. I have made over $100k a year for 2 years in a row now. I made it through all of 3 months of college. My base pay is about $70k a year. Why is that so offensive? Unions allow people to live decent lives.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Its kind of funny to see some non-union Starbucks employees make more than their new unionized colleagues because Starbucks increased their pay but the union members are stuck with a longer term and lower paying contract. Its also funny to see what are considered to be really good retail jobs like Starbucks and Apple, who pay higher and have better benefits than most, are the ones that are targets for unionizing.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Its kind of funny to see some non-union Starbucks employees make more than their new unionized colleagues because Starbucks increased their pay but the union members are stuck with a longer term and lower paying contract. Its also funny to see what are considered to be really good retail jobs like Starbucks and Apple, who pay higher and have better benefits than most, are the ones that are targets for unionizing.
    when you say "better" benefits do you mean the health insurance you pay for out of your paycheck and maybe a 401k that is matched with the average of 6% and paying out of pocket for dental and vision.

    People need to stop using the term benefits because paying for your own retirement and healthcare is not a benefit.

    The days of company paid pension retirement is over unless you work for a city, county, state, feds, or military and the military having the best benefits of any job that you get on day 1.

  19. Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Its kind of funny to see some non-union Starbucks employees make more than their new unionized colleagues because Starbucks increased their pay but the union members are stuck with a longer term and lower paying contract.
    So you think that a huge, highly profitable corporation punishing its employees because they want to organize to get better pay and benefits is funny? Did you root for Goliath against David? With the wealth gap ever expanding in the US, the return of unions would help to give workers a chance to make a decent living and expand the shrinking middle class.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by catcherinthewry View Post
    So you think that a huge, highly profitable corporation punishing its employees because they want to organize to get better pay and benefits is funny? Did you root for Goliath against David? With the wealth gap ever expanding in the US, the return of unions would help to give workers a chance to make a decent living and expand the shrinking middle class.
    it is not "punishing" it is called bargaining ... and when employees unionize they create the adversarial relationship ..

  21. #21

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by shartel_ave View Post
    when you say "better" benefits do you mean the health insurance you pay for out of your paycheck and maybe a 401k that is matched with the average of 6% and paying out of pocket for dental and vision.

    People need to stop using the term benefits because paying for your own retirement and healthcare is not a benefit.

    The days of company paid pension retirement is over unless you work for a city, county, state, feds, or military and the military having the best benefits of any job that you get on day 1.
    I just know of people in the past who worked for Starbucks, even part time, just because the pay and benefits were good. Maybe thats changed. I suspect Starbucks is still in the very top echelon of retail in regards to pay and benefits, which is why I think its odd they are a union target.

    Quote Originally Posted by catcherinthewry View Post
    So you think that a huge, highly profitable corporation punishing its employees because they want to organize to get better pay and benefits is funny? Did you root for Goliath against David? With the wealth gap ever expanding in the US, the return of unions would help to give workers a chance to make a decent living and expand the shrinking middle class.
    You really stretched out what I said into something very different. Didnt say anything about punishing employees and Im unaware of that happening. I just said it was funny that some of those who unionized were getting lower pay than non-union employees because they were stuck with an old contract. With the pace of change in the work environment in last couple years and pay increasing quickly, non-union were able to see that pay increase quicker vs those held to a contract that wouldnt expire for a while. Basically Im saying be careful what you wish for. I couldnt care less if apple or starbucks employees decide to unionize.

    Also, lower paid workers have had it pretty nice in the last year in regards to their pay and demand for their labor.

  22. Default Re: Apple Store

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    You really stretched out what I said into something very different. Didnt say anything about punishing employees and Im unaware of that happening. I just said it was funny that some of those who unionized were getting lower pay than non-union employees because they were stuck with an old contract. With the pace of change in the work environment in last couple years and pay increasing quickly, non-union were able to see that pay increase quicker vs those held to a contract that wouldnt expire for a while. Basically Im saying be careful what you wish for. I couldnt care less if apple or starbucks employees decide to unionize.
    The employees at the unionized shops don't have a contract. In fact, only 3 shops are even negotiating a contract. Starbucks is using classic union busting tactics. They reward the the non-union shops and punish the unionized shops by not giving them the same benefits. To me, this shows the value of a union. Do you really think Starbucks would've added the new benefits if it weren't for the threat of all of their shops becoming union shops? They clearly had the means to up the benefits , but didn't until they felt they needed to use them as a weapon (if you stay non-union we'll reward you, if not you'll be left out). And remember, without a contract these new benefits could be dropped at any time.

    Here is a good read on the situation:


    "Under its legendary CEO Howard Schultz, who returned to lead Starbucks in April, the company has taken a wide array of measures to aggressively fight the union — from blanketing employee communications with anti-union messaging, including in one-on-one meetings, to announcing raises and benefits for nonunion stores only, to firing workers identified as union leaders.

    Starbucks has forged ahead with these actions despite being charged with violating the federal labor law that protects workers' rights to organize. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is tasked with investigating the more than 325 unfair labor practice charges brought by the union."

  23. #23

    Default Re: Apple Store

    After leaving the military it seemed that every civilian job had a rule that employees could not talk about how much they are being paid which I later found out is completely illegal for a company to have a rule saying employees cannot talk about how much they are getting paid.

    I hate all big corporate publicly traded for profit businesses they can all go to hell

  24. #24

    Default Re: Apple Store

    The OKC Store has voted to unionize. Only the second in the nation.


  25. #25

    Default Re: Apple Store

    Can see this coming back to bite the employees there. Or the store and OKC as a whole.

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