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Thread: Robert Square

  1. #1

    Auto Alley Robert Square

    A local home builder is set to close today on the property immediately east of City & State and The Parlor.

    Plan is to build 9 custom freestanding townhomes. Each will be two stories and have a unique facade.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Yes! this is exactly what we need in that area. Continue to bridge the gap between DD and AA.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Nice little infill. I'm glad to see things moving beyond modern box architecture.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Yes! More like this please.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Robert Square

    I assume this is Ryan Broyles' development? He teased this on instragram a few weeks ago, but didn't have any specifics.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Cue people on IG/Twitter/Facebook complaining about lack of parking in the area...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Those look amazing. Love to see this attention to detail and classic architectural style returning. I would absolutely love to live in one of these.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Robert Square

    This area along 6th has seen a massive makeover in the last few years:

  9. #9

    Default Re: Robert Square

    If this comes to fruition, this will be a good piece of infill.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Wow! Awesome!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Thanks Pete for pointing out in the aerials the proximity of each of these projects to the other...

  12. #12

    Default Re: Robert Square


    Agree. Thank you for the effort, Pete.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Robert Square

    I don’t mean to be a fanboy but Pete is an absolute godsend to OKC. His work does absolutely nothing other than make this city a better place and to Pete, I can’t thank you enough for the information you provide to this site.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Robert Square

    I echo this. This forum, and Pete's hard work, helped me get acquainted with my new city after I moved here. I really appreciate it.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I will keep doing this stuff as long as people are interested. Fortunately, there are many who really care about OKC and that number seems to be growing by the day.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Robert Square

    I haven’t lived in OKC for a decade and regularly inform my OKC friends about these new developments. They used to ask, how do you know that? They know it’s Pete and OKCTalk. Haha

  17. #17

    Default Re: Robert Square

    This level of detail and coverage isn’t available in any other city I have lived in.

    Where I live you have no idea something is being built until it is complete and ready to open. I drive by buildings all the time that I have no idea what is happening until they are turning the lights on. OKC is spoiled with Pete’s coverage!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Yes we are spoiled

  19. #19

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I don’t mean to be a fanboy but Pete is an absolute godsend to OKC. His work does absolutely nothing other than make this city a better place and to Pete, I can’t thank you enough for the information you provide to this site.
    I'm a Fanboy! He has brought fresh perspectives to OKC which were and are very badly needed.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Robert Square

    As a young real estate professional, my first assignment was a report on the economics and developments in Oklahoma City. I'd lived here maybe a two or three years an knew absolutely nothing about OKC. That's how I found OKCTalk, and it has made me better at my job, and the go to for information in my office. Also, the amount of love for this city on OKCTalk made me want to be a part of this community rather than move home to Tulsa after college where all my friends are.

    I am sure OKCTalk and all of Pete's work has, to a degree, impacted those gorgeous 2020 Census numbers.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    I haven’t lived in OKC for a decade and regularly inform my OKC friends about these new developments. They used to ask, how do you know that? They know it’s Pete and OKCTalk. Haha
    I had a very similar experience when I lived on the east coast. Whenever I would come back to visit family and friends, I’d bring up all the new developments happening in OKC and my friends were always amazed I knew so much more than them about what’s going on in the city, especially since I didn’t live here at the time. I always told them OKCTalk is the best source for this information. I know several of those friends have joined the forum or started monitoring it. Thanks, Pete!

  22. #22

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Appreciate the leg work and the many drone shots Pete has given us and the inside reporting. Something you would expect from our daily newspaper's coverage. Pete works circles around them.

    If the Oklahoman wanted top-notch reporting; they would partner with OKCTalk.com and give Pete the budget to do-his own thing. He knows journalism, writing style, pictorial time frames and the techniques to lure his readers into gluttony.

    You are OKC's friend.

  23. Wink Re: Robert Square

    I too, echo the magnificent work that Pete does with OKCTalk and our online community as a whole. We may differ on some opinions or styles from time to time but I am certain that everyone on here has the best interest of OKC at heart and you CAN tell the Pride of our (my hometown) city via the love of the posts here. I think OKC Talk also illustrates Oklahoman's in general, we're kind, passionate about sports and for at least the past 20years - about the city.

    There was once, long ago, only a couple of us online who would stand up for OKC or at least set the facts straight. Now, there's an entire nationwide (perhaps worldwide) community built around OKCTalk and other platforms. Kudos to Pete and everyone on this forum - let's Continue the Renaissance of Oklahoma City!

    And this organic infill project is Fantastic - I hope we see many more of these throughout downtown and the inner city.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  24. #24

    Default Re: Robert Square

    Very nice and tastefully done! Are these going to be built on speculation or will developer have units pre-sold to start construction? I can see these selling pretty quickly with the right buyer.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Robert Square

    This is great! Should make walking along Oklahoma Ave (or crossing it in this area) much more pleasant.

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