Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
Perkins was rehabbing from a bad knee, but he taught the young Thunder teams all about being tough. They became contenders at that point.
Certainly wasn't anything to do with psychological & mental toughness; because Durant left and joined the team he and Westbrook should have beaten. When asked a number of times about whether he would sign an extension, he stalled talks saying that wasn't on his mind.

Perkins was good for 4 points a game on the offensive side; he did contribute due diligence on the defensive side.

Don't get me wrong; not going to put it all on Perkins.

K.D. ,IMO was mentally weak; wanted to be seen as a tough guy--a total mamma's boy--ignored Draymond 'Nutt-cracker' Green, when he kicked Steven Adams in the kiwiz, I'll leave it at that.