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Thread: Online DL Renewal

  1. #1

    Default Online DL Renewal

    I don't plan on flying anywhere soon and the only Fed buildings I plan on going in are at work and my Fed ID will get me in there. So I can wait for a Real ID.
    But my DL expired in April and I had no idea that even to get it renewed is a major big pain right now. Then I saw that it can be done completely online! Filling out some blanks and uploading a couple pics to prove identity and bam! Done!
    Only glitch was having to take my own "mug shot". I was sure I could make myself look better than the tag agencies have in the past. But no. I think DL photos are just cursed!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    My DL expired July 2020, right in the middle of things and I did the online non-real DL. Was very smooth. Oddly, though I uploaded a new picture, they actually just used the picture from my previous license. Not sure if that was a glitch on their part or what.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    My DL expired July 2020, right in the middle of things and I did the online non-real DL. Was very smooth. Oddly, though I uploaded a new picture, they actually just used the picture from my previous license. Not sure if that was a glitch on their part or what.
    I would rather they use the old one. I was 30 lbs lighter and didn't look like death warmed over.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    My DL expired July 2020, right in the middle of things and I did the online non-real DL. Was very smooth. Oddly, though I uploaded a new picture, they actually just used the picture from my previous license. Not sure if that was a glitch on their part or what.
    Same thing happened with my wife. She was rather upset since she had lost weight, and the new picture was so much nicer than the old one.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal


  6. #6

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    What about address change or do you still have to write a letter?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by Bowser214 View Post
    What about address change or do you still have to write a letter?
    Since I wasn't changing address I didn't really pay attention but I think there was a box to check about whether this was the address on file or a new address.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Can also confirm they while I uploaded a new picture, they used the old one. Seems to be the process! Also since they extended the Real ID stuff again... might as well use the online renewal!

  9. Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    My DL expired July 2020, right in the middle of things and I did the online non-real DL. Was very smooth. Oddly, though I uploaded a new picture, they actually just used the picture from my previous license. Not sure if that was a glitch on their part or what.
    This is exactly what happened with mine also. I painstakingly took a photo following the instruction, paying attention to lighting and background more than how much I personally liked my pic, and felt like I provided an excellent approximation of a standard DL photo. A few weeks later the new DL appeared in the mail...same photo as last time.

    It was all super easy though. Would recommend.

    Not sure when I’ll take on the Real ID task. I also carry my passport card at all times (different from an actual passport) and it satisfies the Real ID requirement for travel.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    This is exactly what happened with mine also. I painstakingly took a photo following the instruction, paying attention to lighting and background more than how much I personally liked my pic, and felt like I provided an excellent approximation of a standard DL photo. A few weeks later the new DL appeared in the mail...same photo as last time.

    It was all super easy though. Would recommend.

    Not sure when I’ll take on the Real ID task. I also carry my passport card at all times (different from an actual passport) and it satisfies the Real ID requirement for travel.

    thank you for this thread i didn't know this was such an easy option and my DL expires late this summer ..

    i have the passport card as well .. so i don't have a need for the real ID ..

  11. #11

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    I went to a tag agency yesterday to get my Real ID. It took me maybe 30 minutes of hassle last Friday to get the appointment, but after that it was really smooth. Walked in, got the license and left in 20 minutes. They still have to mail the ID to you because the tag agencies are not allowed to have the printers anymore. DPS has print it and mail it to you in 30 days. I was really dreading trying to renew my license in person (because I had to change my address) but it wasn't as bad as I thought.

  12. Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by T. Jamison View Post
    I went to a tag agency yesterday to get my Real ID. It took me maybe 30 minutes of hassle last Friday to get the appointment, but after that it was really smooth. Walked in, got the license and left in 20 minutes. They still have to mail the ID to you because the tag agencies are not allowed to have the printers anymore. DPS has print it and mail it to you in 30 days. I was really dreading trying to renew my license in person (because I had to change my address) but it wasn't as bad as I thought.
    Mind if I ask where? I got my regular ID in Norman because all the tag agencies would only do Real ID from 9am to 2pm M-F and had been booked for more than 3 months in advanced.

    I heard some people going to small towns to get them but that is just wild it takes so long to do this.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Broadway Tag in Edmond. All their appointments for the following week are scheduled online after close (5:30) on Friday's. Other tag agencies I've seen have similar policies but the days of the week can be different. I just chose that tag agency because Friday was the day I decided I HAD to do it, and Friday was their day to schedule.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by T. Jamison View Post
    Broadway Tag in Edmond. All their appointments for the following week are scheduled online after close (5:30) on Friday's. Other tag agencies I've seen have similar policies but the days of the week can be different. I just chose that tag agency because Friday was the day I decided I HAD to do it, and Friday was their day to schedule.
    I didn't try anything in Edmond. Everywhere I tried in OKC and Yukon were booked at least until June. One was booked until December.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I didn't try anything in Edmond. Everywhere I tried in OKC and Yukon were booked at least until June. One was booked until December.
    I did the Real ID last Nov in Harrah, America. . .got an appointment the next day . . . in/out 30 minutes. Sent a neighbor there last month, same story. A bit of a drive, but a chance to grab lunch somewhere new!!

  16. Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    I'm starting to get a bit nervous about it. Mine expires at the end of July and the tag agencies are only doing a handful of appointments each day and are do it first-come-first-serve with lines starting an hour and a half before they open. Those that take appointments are saying they are booked until September.

    What's a normal schmuck supposed to do? My understanding is that the agencies are limiting the number per day because they do not make much on them and would rather make room for the more lucrative business lines. I can understand that from their side since it's not a high profit business anyway. But it leaves the public out in the cold with no options.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    There was an article in the last week or two where the state was considering establishing temporary, large service centers to help address this issue.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    I got my real ID drivers license at Stillwater Tag Agency early one morning a couple of weeks ago even though it said by appointments only on the door. When I read that I went back to my car when a clerk came out and said she could have be in to renew DL. What a nice surprise that was. Had to go through much of the process twice because the clerk screwed up. You're fingerprinted. Two other walkins came in while I was there.

  19. Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Can anyone speak to how long it took you to get your new DL after renewing it online. It has been 30 days for me and nothing. I am carrying around the receipt the state issued folded up in my wallet just to prove that I renewed it! I have the passport card as a backup for traveling later this month thank goodness.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by Celebrator View Post
    Can anyone speak to how long it took you to get your new DL after renewing it online. It has been 30 days for me and nothing. I am carrying around the receipt the state issued folded up in my wallet just to prove that I renewed it! I have the passport card as a backup for traveling later this month thank goodness.
    I'm on two months and counting.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    I'm almost at two months. Wife spoke to a friend a couple of weeks ago that said she renewed in April and still didn't have hers. Huge fail...

  22. #22

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    I renewed mine in May (in person) and it took me two weeks. It must be a failure in the online system.

    As far as travel is concerned, the TSA will accept an expired drivers license as long as it is less than a year out of date. My fiancé's license expired between leaving OKC and returning from our destination and it wasn't an issue.

  23. Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Two months is not good. I also have to rent a car, wonder what the car rental company will say?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by T. Jamison View Post
    I renewed mine in May (in person) and it took me two weeks. It must be a failure in the online system.

    As far as travel is concerned, the TSA will accept an expired drivers license as long as it is less than a year out of date. My fiancé's license expired between leaving OKC and returning from our destination and it wasn't an issue.
    What part took two weeks? In between going to a tag agency and actually receiving it? If so, that's strange, they don't give it to you immediately for an in-person appt?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Online DL Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    I'm starting to get a bit nervous about it. Mine expires at the end of July and the tag agencies are only doing a handful of appointments each day and are do it first-come-first-serve with lines starting an hour and a half before they open. Those that take appointments are saying they are booked until September.

    What's a normal schmuck supposed to do? My understanding is that the agencies are limiting the number per day because they do not make much on them and would rather make room for the more lucrative business lines. I can understand that from their side since it's not a high profit business anyway. But it leaves the public out in the cold with no options.
    Keep in mind, much like dinner reservations many people make multiple ones and don't honor them. Meaning alot of those appointments might be no-shows, if the person gets earlier appointment or walks in elsewhere. It's worth trying the walk in approach if a place is appointment only. Worked for us.

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