Heard anymore about these projects and what bridges are in question?
Heard anymore about these projects and what bridges are in question?
I know the bridges over Crutcho Creek and SE 15th are included. Must be all of them on that stretch between I-35 and Tinker. They're all rough.
I believe the long term plans of I-40 through Midwest are to widen it to 8 lanes and improve the service roads which could be a one way configuration.
For now they are rehabilitating the pavement and replacing several bridges.
^^^ I saw it in the long term plans on ACOG website.
According to ODOTs 8 year plan, the bridges in question are Crutcho Creek, SE15th, and Sooner. They will not be doing the Sunnylane bridge, less than 1/2 mile from Crutcho Creek, until FY 2026. Why not do all the bridges in that 1 1/4 mile stretch at the same time? Tinker traffic will be snarled down to 2 lanes for much of 20s. Good job ODOT
^^^^ I was responding to someone about this project on another forum to touch on some points you made and it got me thinking about the stretch of I-40 sandwiched in a tight space between Tinker and commercial development. I’ll just copy and past my entire response here:
“ It looks like this stretch of I-40 is going be under construction for the better part of this entire decade. This project will likely take a year or two.
Then Sunnylane and a slew of other projects begin in 2025/26/27 to widen the freeway and redo the bridges. The interchange at I-35 is even due for some capacity upgrades on the 8yr plan. I-35 will be reconstructed from I-40 to I-44 along with its interchange at I-44 being completely reconstructed and reconfigured. Then I-40 will be widened East until the entire corridor is six lanes to Shawnee. So the I-40 expansion currently wrapping up essentially is a kick off to a long series of sporadic construction projects in this area so if you live here good luck.
Many projects are still planned on I-40 west which, I’m sure you know, OkDOT just reconstructed and widened. Still more projects on the way there too with Frisco road interchange to be redone this year.
OkDOT seriously needs a bigger budget as it is incredibly frustrating that it drags all of these projects out over a decade or more. It just means never ending construction on each road.
8 laning I-40 is even on ACOGs long term plan so that could happen in the 2030s or 40s.
PS, the section of I-40 closest to Tinker in between David Stanley is going require either acquisition of land(which is likely off the table) or a very complex widening which I think no such setup exists in Oklahoma. It will likely be partially buried similar to how the service roads are along US-75 in Dallas(central expressway). It will be expensive and isn’t even mentioned on the 8yr plan at all but it will be widened as there is no choice or else it becomes a bad bottleneck in the future. Another option is to bury it using a cut and cover and cap it with a park. I personally am excited for these possibilities as it will be a unique stretch of freeway but I don’t expect anything this decade.
Here is the 8year plan to see exact dates and costs: “
PS in case it isn’t clear to anyone where I’m talking about it is this part: Dropped pin
Near Tinker Diag, Oklahoma City, OK 73145
I am guessing it probably the most space constrained stretch of road in the metro and it’s only 2 lanes each way.
thanks for this info i found it pretty easy on the ACOG website ..
I’m not sure how set in stone those plans are or if they align with ODOTs plans. They plan to widen classen through Norman to six lanes which would be nice. Some of these plans are shown here and then after a while pop up on ODOTs plans.
I was thinking similarly for a lot of the MWC section's 8 lane plan. There are some areas where there is SOME wiggle room, but the area near David Stanley, really seems like it can ONLY stack. TInker's not likely to accept any sort of land grab and if they take David Stanley, they have to take the Sheriff's office too, plus U-Haul and a couple other businesses. I'm not sure which would be more expensive, stacking the road or buying up all that land. Probably cheaper to stack the road for that 1/4 mile stretch. Downtown Austin is a good example of how it can work too.
^^^ I’m not sure I’ve you’ve seen but downtown Austin is about to see tunnels of 2-3 levels down which will be a multi billion dollar extremely impressive project when finished. Funding was just found last week for it.
Ooo! I like the 8 lanes on I40 in Del City. Anyone know how to get the plans for the bridges they're about to start working on? It would be nice to see how wide and if they are going to lengthen the bridges so the roads underneath can be widened and upgraded
The project is expected to cost between $75 - $80 million.
The six bridges (one is functionally obsolete) that will be replaced are on eastbound and westbound I-40 at Crutcho Creek, SE 15 Street and Sooner Road. The bridge replacement project is expected to take 2½ years to complete; traffic to be narrowed to two lanes in each direction for much of that time. Imagine how that will impact traffic going to and from Tinker AFB.
Not sure about the plans for eight lanes (4 lanes in each direction) but I heard they will redo the bidding process in May 2020 because there was some kind of glitch in the bidding process. Those bridges will probably be widened to include future lane expansion.
Looks like they did some repaving, although given they're about to tear down some bridges, that seems kind of dumb????
Ah I didn’t realize that.
On a side note I drove the new expanded I-40 in East OK county and it’s coming along very nicely. It will be awesome to have a modernized and expanded I-40 from I-35 to Shawnee. The more lanes the better and next up I-240 is increasingly becoming crowded from what I’ve gathered.
Here is some info I found:
- the I-40 Bridge Reconstruction at Crutcho Creek, S.E. 15th St. and Sooner Rd.
Six new bridges and approaches are planned on eastbound and westbound I-40 at Crutcho Creek, S.E. 15th St. and Sooner Rd. in Del City.
This is an estimated $82 million combined project tentatively scheduled to award in April by the Oklahoma Transportation Commission.
The project is estimated to take nearly 2.5 years to complete and traffic will be narrowed to two lanes in each direction for much of that time.
The bridges will be widened to accommodate a fourth lane in each direction. The new bridges also will be close to 17 feet in height, bringing them to modern bridge standards.
This project addresses the worst known structurally deficient bridges on the state system in the Oklahoma City metro area.They have monopolized ODOT’s Oklahoma City metro maintenance resources due to poor conditions and ongoing significant repair needs.
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