Re: Penn Central

Originally Posted by
out of curiosity, does anyone else think that there is more parking in here than the development, as presently presented, really needs?
It seems like there are somewhere between 2000-2500 spaces (assuming 5 story garages) and i think penn square is under 3500 and is significantly larger/more dense. Now if those garages are shorter than i'm thinking they'll be, then sure, i can see the need.
Also, i think i've said this before, but if this comes through, classen curve, penn square, belle isle, and penn central need to seriously look at establishing a bus route between all these places.
or a streetcar line 
^ dont forget NHP, triangle, 50 Penn. and possibly Cassidy Sq. Quite the retail monster when you group the area all together. ..
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!