Re: City Manager Jim Couch to retire
he did great things for the city yes, but he also did some questionable things and was not transparent about it. He held a lot of secrets where in one instance we don't have enough money due to shortage in city sales tax receipts - so there must be staffing cuts, but the following week or two we have 'found source(s)' for pet projects or behind-the-scenes negotiated deals. Granted, most of these have been in OKC's favor but still the days of conducting business/government like this are over especially for a city as large and diverse as Oklahoma City. I know many people here are against Strong Mayor form of government but the way OKC has been run with backroom dealing hasn't been that much different other than we haven't been able to hold the leader accountable, unlike with a strong mayor form of govt.
I wish him the best and honor what he's done but it has long been time for change and I honestly agree that there's something to the timing because he should have been fired last year with the whole transparency deal-making thing which culminated recently with the BankFirst/Continental deal but yet he skated away from all of that clear and clean. ....
I totally agree with Pete and others, in that I hope OKC does a national search and bring in someone from a much larger city whose experienced growth and success at it. We need outside prospective but also an outsiders way of running the business of government too. This will likely eventually lead to changes in city staff leadership, which is also welcome in a few key areas that have been holding OKC back for years.
Other things I'd like to see happen along with the change of the guard is 1) higher income for council and mayor, along with the expectation that the job is full-time [$68K council, $92K mayor sounds about right], 2) at-large council position(s) and perhaps two new wards, 3) perhaps it's time to redraw the wards, and 4) I'd like to see a complete review of city code and charter; modernizing both while employing potential new sources of revenue (via permits, fines, etc) that OKC is missing out on.
All of this would encourage new blood in city government, recognize that OKC has changed and therefore so should the representative government, and like it or not OKC should become more progressive as a city and embrace diversity AND transparency. Nothing wrong with backroom negotiations/planning etc, but give the citizens an adequate window to not only discover the city's plans for development but also to have a standard amount of time to respond before it's voted and approved.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!