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Thread: Heartland HQ

  1. #1

    Auto Alley Heartland HQ

    I saw a tweet that was teasing an article in the Oklahoman about a seven story headquarters on the SE corner (I think). Any body know anything about this or who the company is?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Automobile Alley

    ^ Was going to post the exact same thing! Really curious about this.

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Default Re: Automobile Alley

    Yes, 7-story Rand Elliott building on the old Sanridge lot that is on the SE corner of Broadway & 6th, directly south of the Broadway Condos (now to be offices) and directly west of what will be the TownPlace Suites.

  5. #5

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    I'd bet Nick preftakes heard about this a couple weeks ago...

  6. #6

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross MacLochness View Post
    I'd bet Nick preftakes heard about this a couple weeks ago...
    If he did, I am not sure why he would convert to offices from condos. Seems a hotel would have been better, since, at least according to the teases above, this building has a tenant lined up.

  7. #7

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Sweet! One less parking lot along Broadway. Lots more in that picture that can be swallowed up in coming years. It's a rather odd looking design though. I don't think I've seen a building with that design before. At least it will be unique looking and of decent height for that part of Downtown. Any word on who would occupy it?

  8. #8

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Quote Originally Posted by jonny d View Post
    If he did, I am not sure why he would convert to offices from condos. Seems a hotel would have been better, since, at least according to the teases above, this building has a tenant lined up.
    I think Ross may be referring to the fact that the Broadway Condos would immediately have their view of downtown blocked by a larger building, haha

    Personally I don’t think it matters much. Never thought Auto Alley had that great a view anyway since most of the cool buildings are obscured by that god-awful AT&T building.

  9. #9

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Since this is a Rand Elliott design and it falls within DDRC, how will that work? Will he recuse himself? Will they bring on another architect?

  10. #10

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Looks like Andy and David Burnett are the developers, Rand Elliott the architect with Stan Lingo as the contractor.


  11. #11

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    Since this is a Rand Elliott design and it falls within DDRC, how will that work? Will he recuse himself? Will they bring on another architect?
    Rand isn't on the DDRC, he's on the unofficial Auto Alley design review board.

  12. #12

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Rand isn't on the DDRC, he's on the unofficial Auto Alley design review board.
    Ah, my bad. Since this still falls within AADR, same question...

  13. #13

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    Ah, my bad. Since this still falls within AADR, same question...
    That's an unofficial body and he's been the only one that has been very outspoken, so I'm sure not much will be said on behalf of that group.

  14. #14

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building


  15. #15

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    This prospect is very exciting. I'm so glad that these huge wasteland parking lots are getting built on. My concern/thought: why in the world would they design a plaza on the corner of 6th and Broadway?? It's a huge lot for sure but why not split up the block if they couldn't fill it on both corners? Was this a design choice or value engineering? Why would the more (IMO) important corner be set back from the street?

  16. #16

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Not a fan of the huge walls around the courtyard

  17. #17
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Any guesses as to which company this might be for?

  18. #18

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Any guesses as to which company this might be for?
    Paper article says they won't say until its official.

  19. #19

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Yeah I’m wondering about the courtyard wall and what that would look like once built. Rand does great work so I don’t think we would be too disappointed.

  20. #20
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Paper article says they won't say until its official.
    I read that - was just hoping someone here might have some insight.

  21. #21

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    I read that - was just hoping someone here might have some insight.
    For months, in conjunction with teasing this story, Steve has been cryptically referring to a major employer who is moving their operations out of the suburbs and into downtowns/urban areas across the nation. I know State Farm has been doing that, so perhaps it's them. Anyone else know of major businesses doing this?

  22. #22

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Anybody remember what was there before it was a parking lot???

  23. #23

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross MacLochness View Post
    This prospect is very exciting. I'm so glad that these huge wasteland parking lots are getting built on. My concern/thought: why in the world would they design a plaza on the corner of 6th and Broadway?? It's a huge lot for sure but why not split up the block if they couldn't fill it on both corners? Was this a design choice or value engineering? Why would the more (IMO) important corner be set back from the street?
    I agree, do they own that corner? Maybe they don't.

  24. #24

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Where the plaza is to be was the old Hale Photo Building, which was demolished a few years back.

    That property along with the large parking lot along Broadway (former Kerr McGee / Sandridge parking) is owned by Land Run (Gold Dome / The Rise).


  25. #25

    Default Re: NW 6th & Broadway Building

    Interestingly, what is being proposed now is what was generally part of the master plan when SandRidge was blowing and going (building at upper right):

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