So after growing up and living in the suburbs pretty much our whole lives, my wife and I got the itch to live closer to the urban core. Being huge fans of the Plaza and Uptown 23rd, it started off as a joke to sell our house and move to Uptown. Well, through a hilarious set of events, we actually found a nice little house we really like and are considering taking the plunge.
I'm not looking to start another Urban vs. Suburban war. What I would like to know is if anyone has made the move from the suburbs to an area like the Plaza. I love the area and it's potential, but growing up in neighborhoods with carpet-like lawns, HOA's, and mass produced housing, the Plaza's can be really exciting but also a little bit scary. Some streets are very well kept and beautiful, then some look very inner-city-esque (no offense to anyone who lives there, just different considering my background).
I'm excited to be a part of the growth of the city, as well as having so much art, music, and culture outside of my door. But I would also love to hear if anyone else has made a similar move and what to expect or look out for. Is there something you didn't consider until you had already moved? And not to give in to the stereotype, is crime something I should be more concerned with than on the city outskirts?