I'm sure we have all seen those canned 'news' stories running this time of year with advice on who and how much to tip people at Christmas time. You can tell there not produced in Oklahoma when they start talking about tipping your doorman, dog-walker and elevator operator.

That aside, does anyone really tip these types of workers at Christmas here in Oklahoma?

I guess we have the mailman, and some apartments do have door/security people. Some people may also have a fulltime maid (I hate you people) or babysitter, etc.

As for us, we do for ourselves and I feel absolutely no need to tip someone extra, just for Christmas. Heck my mailman walks through my yard and it has worn down the grass and i've asked him not to, but he doesn't care. If I did give him something it would be reading glasses, as I routinely get the mail for the street next to ours (circle as opposed to street). I've never actually seen an elevator operator and the only doorperson I know works at the Regency Tower and he is pretty scary!

I guess I do occassionally get a shoe shine downtown this time of year (snow and slush) and I do tip him more than I normally do waiters etc.