Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
you're confusing the half baked not ready for prime time MAPSIII with a quite popular franchise.
Did you notice OKC taking a page out of the national voter suppression playbook and limiting early voting opportunities, no more Saturday voting limiting the avaiabilty of working stiffs to the polls. I wouldn't worry Mayor Mick fans. If you compare facebook likes Mick will win by about 5000 votes, and is there a better barometer than social media, unless there are tea partiers and fiscal conservatives who secretly plan on voting for Shadid but don't want to publically like a guy who may have smoked crack with a gay prostitute. Interesting race. has any polling been done. I honestly know equal numbers of supporters on both sides. what's the gut feeling? Impossible to know?
Steve H....I mean Edgar, tell me you're smarter than this.... the city has nothing to do with this.