Many of you know that the movie, the Da vinci code is coming to theaters next month.

I'd like to point out that the book and the movie is a novel, complete fiction, although Dan Brown, the author would like you to believe otherwise.

Truth is, the movie and the book are based on Gnostic scrolls that were written in 250-450 AD, many years after the original gospels were written.

The movie claims that Christians at that time were trying to cover up these "real gospels," when in reality, that's not true at all. These gospels came out years after the 4 gospels, and as I said, they were written by Gnostics, who were an anti-Christian cult at the time. So, it's obvious they were trying to find any way not to make Jesus appear to be a deity, and to deny what actually happened.

Anyhow, the Catholics actually have sdome good things to say about the issue.

It's important to note that many of the issues mentioned in the movie have been completely debunked. For example, take the Mona Lisa for instance. The movie claims the name was from Leonardo Di Vinci and named a god and a goddess. Truth is, Leonardo never named the painting that. Everyone who's ever taken a university Humanities class knows that. The name Mona Lisa came many many years later and meant beautiful Lisa.

Anyways, this should be an interesting thread of discussion.