It's been a while my friends. A strange turn of events has brought me back here once more. There's a lady I've known for several years. I thought I knew her well. Once again human nature reminds me not to assume I really know anyone.

Due to some events this morning, I parked in an unusual place. Due to events this afternoon I left work late. The two together caused me to leave the building through a seldom-used exit and take a different route to my truck. Care to guess what I saw?...a familiar face in a familiar vehicle getting familiar with an unfamiliar man. I walked on by. I don't even know if I was seen, felt sick.

As of today fidelity became only a non-existent concept. Of course it's none of my business. My mouth will stay shut; that's a pot I'm not going to stir.

I'm just not sure what to think about it. I feel a little betrayed along with her husband...or maybe as if I've lost someone; at least the person I knew no longer exists, she's different, I never knew her; less a friend for now, more an aquantance. Everyone screws up I guess, myself included. I won't dislike her but things will be different I'm sure.

I'm a little pissed too. It means a longer wait until I'll let someone in my life, and longer still before I'll believe in them. Oh well, I wasn't in a hurry anyway...more time for me.

Thoughts, y'all?