Quote Originally Posted by Soonerinfiniti View Post
I really don't understand the controversy regarding downtown living. It's not a conspiracy if you don't/can't live there. It is simple supply/demand. OKC doesn't have the population or employment to support a large downtown housing area. Furthermore, there is minimal affordable housing. Apartment rental rates in the area range from $1.00 - $1.38/SF per month. Deep Deuce has rental rates from $650 - $1,800 per month. When developers provide product that can adequately compete with these rental parameters, I think more sales will occur.

Two more quick things: Many college graduates can't find jobs right now and are likely scared to death of their future. That may be holding back residential sales of all kinds. Second, it amazes me that every developer took that 2005 downtown housing study that said 10,000 units were needed and concluded that 10,000 high-end units were needed. That is not statistically possible. Block 42 had first-mover advantage but remains stalled.
That's weird. At first you say there's no population or employment to have decent downtown living, and then you say that when developers compete with rentals, sales will occur. Those are opposing ideas.

I think the point is: there are people that *want* to live downtown. Developers have missed the mark by ignoring the surrounding market prices and refusing to make middle-end housing a short-term plan.

I make a nice living. I would LOVE to live downtown or in Bricktown. But given the lack of options in the mid-range as compared to what I get at 50th and Western, it makes almost zero sense.

Shouldn't there be options for a young professional with money to spend that WANTS to live downtown that are reasonable as compared to what is available within a 8 minute drive?