I have no problem with quality housing options at a lower price point. One of the things about living downtown is that it's pretty unreasonable not to expect all different types of housing/commercial options around. Unlike people who want to live in gated communties with people and houses just like them and theirs, I am very happy having a wide range of people and housing types. I just think that people who say the current housing options are overpriced should rather say they're not within their price range. While I wouldn't mind if the owners would cut the prices here a wee bit if it would get more people to live here (thereby eventually raising my property values, most likely), I feel that my house is priced fairly accurately for what I have.

The Lofts are selling pretty well, I think, too. I believe there were 7 closings in December and at least one already this week. There have certainly been increased sales at the Hill as well, and I believe I heard about some closings at Block 42 recently.