i have an age-old undying question about Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back that has been bugging me for eons and I was wondering if perhaps someone knows the answer to this question.

Im under the impression that SW:ESB must contain a deleted scene, but if this is the case, Im not exactly what was deleted or the reason for any deletions, etc.

The scene Im referring to occurs at exactly 00:21:45. Luke is shown running up to Chewbacca who is standing underneath the Millenium Falcon and Chewie gives him a big hug.

Soon after this, Luke turns his attention to Han who is making repairs atop the Falcon who asks Luke "are you alright?"

Luke responds by nodding his head and a short "yeah", and then begins to open his mouth agape as if he is about to say something, the camera then pans back to Han who gives a smirk (as if he is replying in jest at something deleted Luke may have said).

The camera then pans back to Luke who continues making unwarranted head nods out of sheer nothingness (..or presumed deleted dialogue). In the middle of his silliness, Luke produces a cheesy smile that looks even more silly cause we have no idea why he is smiling from ear to ear like that.

Han then ends Luke's silly head gestures by advising "Be careful", and Luke replies by saying "You too".

and thats basically the end of the scene in question.

Luke just looks like a retard with Parkinsons, like he is simply unable to control his head from nodding.

So because the scene looks so silly as it stands Ive always wondered if this scene may have originally contained more dialogue than what were presented with?