Heads up From: OKC Airport Master Plan Revision/Update — Civil Aviation Forum | Airliners.net


Link in the original post seems to die, here is the link to everything covered today:


Okay going through the report...

New Runway the Future 17R/35L which would be west of the current one, will be initially for visual flight guidelines and used by military and general aviation. It won't be upgraded to be used for air carrier use (for precision approaches anyway) until later. It will eventually over Cat I approach abilities.

Runway 18/36 a smaller one that is part of Taxiway Bravo will be left open until they relocate the taxiway and then it will be done away with.

Other Runway Details - 2019 through 2028
- New 17R/13L is estimated at just under $30M
- 17L/35R extension at $17M
- Current 17R/35L extension at $14M
- Extend 13/31 at $16M
- The airport is roughly running at 60% of airfield capacity right now with existing facilities and runways.

Terminal Details
- 9 Gate east concourse
- Additional of "architecturally significant" structures on the north side of the terminal.
- Prelim Engineering for expansion will start in 2010 and cost around $600K.
- Bag Inspection System upgraded in 2010 as well - $19M in costs
- East concourse for 2011 & 2012 at a cost of $24.7M each year...so just under $50M for the concourse.
- 20 year forecasts call for need for 22-24 gates, compared to the current 17. The east concourse would offer 25-27 gates depending on configuration.
- Airline check in positions meets long term needs, no additional spots required.
- Third south concourse is a very long term option should things grow fast.