Last night i'm headed out to the Greenhouse on Classen. Headed from midwest city on I-40 and I'm in the left lane, minding my own business doing about 70mph and I look in my rear view mirror to see this white Ford F350, probably about a 2007 model come cruising up my lane pretty fast. The truck gets right behind me and turns on flashing white and yellow lights. I slow down and get over. He passes me and there are no signs on his doors or anything. His tag is in the back glass behind window tint. I followed behind him doing 90 to try and get his tag number but even then I couldn't keep up. He also did it to another car about 1/8 of a mile in front of me after that.
I don't know who this guy is, or if you guys have experienced this, but it pretty well pissed me off and if I see the guy there are going to be some issues. I don't believe anyone who is not law enforcement or emergency medical vehicles should have the right to do this.