Great White Dope -- Alba Defaces Oklahoma City
Posted Jun 9th 2009 10:09AM by TMZ Staff

Dumb: Defacing all sorts of public property in landlocked Oklahoma City (including a United Way poster) ... to increase local awareness for great white sharks ... which don't usually dwell anywhere close to Oklahoma City.

Dumber: Capturing all the stupidity on film and posting it on the Internet.

People in OKC are pretty upset after these photos surfaced yesterday on The pics clearly show Alba tagging downtown OKC with the posters, which ironically don't even have a clear message on them ... posters that stoners probably think are just advertisements for Shark Week.

The most ridiculous part is that one of the spots she's accused of tagging was a billboard for the United Way. A rep for the non-profit organization told us although the billboard was donated, they'll probably have to pay out of their own pocket to replace it. Either way, the U.W. said, "We remain focused on our work rather than this minor distraction."

So far, cops say no one has filed charges against Alba.

Filed under: Jessica Alba