There was some talk about Tire on another forum, but it didn't fit, so I thought I would start this up as a clearing house for OKC Fat Tire lovers . . . I'm drinking one right now . . . damn fine suds . . . to discuss this fine fine beverage . . . and perhaps a way to keep our individual beer fridges properly stocked between trips to states with more consumer friendly adult beverage regs. Perhaps if I was, say, going down to Dallas or out to Santa Fe for a weekend, I might post that info here, and if I was willing to schlep a few six packs back to OKC for others who were similarly inclined . . . who knows? If it’s illegal . . . all the better.

BTW, I have a few 1554s in the ice box too . . . same great quality, but darker and richer, creamy head, and better at a little warmer temp than fresh out of the cooler.

Fat Tire . . . Best name for a beer ever put on a bottle IMO.

Any way, here it is, so have a go.


Pray For World Peace . . . pass it on