Okay, set the scene.. best friend for over 20 years lives in CA. She is Conservative Christian ..... very very Christian. Love her to death but she has never had a drink, hates smoking and loathes drugs, or anything associated with them and tends to freak out over this stuff.

She has a teenage son, 16, rebelling big time. Buying, smoking pot at school ( got expelled), in their house, on their vacations etc etc. Going on for 3 years and it is killing their family. They have two younger children caught in the crossfire.

Problem: I am a friend on his Myspace. Recently, he is going crazy writing so much discriminating stuff re buying pot, going to Disneyland, smoking in the bathrooms.... etc, etc.. hiding bongs from his parents, on and on... really ramping it up.

Family is going on a trip to Italy/Greece (cruise) in two weeks.. I start freaking out, is this kid stupid enough to take drugs or ?? on the plane? Actually, he is, he went to Mexico on a church youth group trip and bought it there and brought it back into the states.. omg. I'm imagining drug sniffing dogs in Italy.. and foreign jails.

So.. I email my friend a few times telling her nonchalantly to check out myspace.. hoping she will get the hint to go and see what the heck this kid is typing for the world to see .. she doesn't. Plans are for a big show and for everyone to get wasted and meet up to blaze. I call my best friend and say ' hey girl, heads up, I'm worried about 'j', getting hurt, check out his myspace page okay...'

Well, she tells him I called and said this .. he denies any wrong doing but she gets access to his comments and they are so very damaging. So, all hell has broken loose and they are going at it like crazy.

I check myspace and 'j' has removed me from as a friend ( which is okay, because I don't want anything to do with this crap) but I feel so horrible about all of this!

I know I did the right thing.. but I wish to God that she hadn't told him I said anything!

I guess the bottom line is that this kid is making really poor choices and it is affecting his iife in so many ways...and I felt like it was my responsibility to tell my best friend that this was going on but on the other hand, I feel like such a tattletale. I wish she would have seen this crap without me having to bring it to her attention.

The only reason I even have a Myspace is because my kids do and they know I can access their pages..

This is a horrible position to be in.. I just hope I did the right thing.