I have lived in MWC for 16 years and I sadly have to admit that I can no longer stand to live there. It seems to be overrun with thugs and vandals and only seems to be getting worse. Just as Del City has. I won't even go into DC unless totally necessary and only in the daytime. What has happened to our towns and neighborhoods? Can law enforcement and other city officials do nothing? It seems that today's youth could care less about anyone or anything other than themselves and the lack of respect and pride has gone completely out the window. So how do we fix this? Do we flee to other towns in hope of a better environment and just let our old towns fall the the wayside? I don't know, but I am in the process of moving my family to a safer environment. I just can't handle it anymore. It is just so sad that everyone turns a blind eye until it is too late to fix the problem. I guess that's just urbanization and adaptation.