"I-244 Partial Removal Study in Tulsa, Oklahoma North Peoria Church of Christ (Tulsa, Oklahoma) Planning RCP Award: $1,600,000 Estimated Total Project Cost: $2,000,000 Funds will be used to support the planning study of the partial removal of I-244, which bisects the Greenwood neighborhood and acts as a physical and social barrier between the predominately Black community in North Tulsa, historic Greenwood Avenue, and downtown to the south in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This project will support a feasibility study for removing a section of I-244 in the Greenwood District, as well as establishing a community land trust to, according to the application, "facilitate long-term redevelopment of the parcels in a way that benefits Greenwood and North Tulsa residents, in particular residents who had their home unjustly acquired below market value through eminent domain." The application provides a compelling depiction of how a historic Black neighborhood in Tulsa suffered the punishing effects of urban renewal and the building of I-244. The application has clear community support and 20 support letters. "
