Attention everyone!!

There was rumor that I'd heard that the Santa Fe locomotive at the fairgrounds was being sold. Now it appears that it is a reality. This locomotive was given by the Santa Fe Railroad as a gift to the people of Oklahoma City for all they had done for the railroad. It has quietly served by the transportation building at the fairgrounds for years as a landmark to the old age of steam that once existed here in Oklahoma City. The current transportation building is under plans to be demolished and redesigned. The artifacts there were to be donated. Since wind of this first caught ORM, the museum has been trying very hard to work out the logistics of getting the engine to the current museum grounds.

The San Bernadino CA county Board of Supervisors last week agreed to give $25,000 toward buying the historic Iron Horse built in the 1897. The locomotive was supposed to be given to the ORM, who planned to restore it and get it working again to establish a train run from the museum grounds in the Adventure District to Bricktown. It seems to me like there might be something fishy going on here.

How could something like this be going on under our own noses?

This locomotive was supposed to be donated to our own Oklahoma Railway Museum. It is up to all of us to keep it here! Let us persevere to keep it in Oklahoma City where it belongs!

Call, write, the fair board your city council people and elected officials and the press to let them know your concern!