City of Oklahoma City announces new 180-day billboard ban
The City of Oklahoma City announced Sept. 14 the City Council has enacted a temporary ban on billboard permits.
Passed by the council during the Sept. 11 meeting, the adopted ordinance places an 180-day ban on billboard permits passed by the Public Works Department. Existing billboards and permits will not be affected by the ordinance.
During the 180-day ban, Mayor Mick Cornett will appoint a Billboard Advisory Committee -- made up of five citizens and two council members – to review the effects billboards have on the City’s appearance and future growth.
In 2004, the council prohibited new billboards along sections of Interstates 40 and 235 near downtown; the ban is still in effect for the parts of Interstate 40 that will be relocated.
The committee will also work with city staff and billboard industry members to review future regulations and develop recommendations to the city council.